Saturday, August 31, 2019
Current English Law Essay
In relation to involuntary manslaughter what criticisms can be made of the current law. At present in English legal system there are two homicide offences murder and manslaughter. For the most serious, murder proof of an intention to kill or cause serious harm is needed for a successful conviction. If a partial defence is used in circumstances, such as provocation or diminished responsibility, then the offence is one of voluntary manslaughter. However, if someone kills but did not intend to cause death or serious harm but there was a death then they are liable to be convicted of involuntary manslaughter. There are numerous criticisms attached to Involuntary manslaughter as it covers a wide range of behaviour which can cause death, although one of the most prosecuted common law offences it is not yet become subject to any statutory definition or change and is in need of reform. Although Involuntary manslaughter is split up into two offences Gross negligence manslaughter and constructive/unlawful manslaughter a general criticism of involuntary manslaughter is that there are two major problems with the wide range of conduct covered by the offence. The offences range from cases which just fall short of murder where the accused was aware there was a risk of death or serious harm but did not intend to cause either to the victim (R v Wacker), cases where the person is a experienced professional who makes a small but serious mistake resulting in death ( R v Adomako) and cases whereby a minor assault can end in death (R v Mitchell). This leads to problems in sentencing and labelling, including the fundamental problem that many cases currently amounting to unlawful act manslaughter involve only minor fault on the part of the defendant, and therefore should not be described as manslaughter at all. The law commission have also identified a problem specific to constructive manslaughter the stated it is wrong for a defendant to be liable for a death which he did not intend or foresee, and which would not even have been foreseeable by a reasonable person observing his conduct. It is a huge problem as it only requires a foreseeable risk of causing some harm not death a proposal for reform is that there should be the abolition of constructive manslaughter this would not allow defendants to escape liability as they would be liable for the newly proposed offence of Reckless Killing. They also identified problems specific to gross negligence manslaughter. Gross negligence manslaughter depends on the defendant owing a duty of care to the victim and the seriousness of the breach of that duty A person can be liable for omissions as well as acts. In the case of Adomako it mixes the civil concepts of â€Å"negligence†and â€Å"duty of care†with that of criminal liability, creating uncertainty amongst cases as the gross negligence offence is based around a duty of care not civil matters. There are many inconstancies as The test in Adomako is circular the jury is to convict the defendant of a crime if they believe the conduct was ‘criminal’. This leaves a question of law to be decided by the jury who do not give reasons for their decisions or need to. The use of subjective recklessness manslaughter is also stated to be unneeded since Adomako.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Chemistry Of Liquid Crystal Displays Engineering Essay
Nanoscience includes the survey and creative activity of stuffs, devices, and systems by pull stringsing single atoms and molecules. It describes research where the characteristic dimension of 1 or more planes is less than 100 nanometres i.e. , 0.1 micrometers. As we know that all manufactured merchandises are made from atoms and the belongingss of those merchandises depend on how atoms are arranged in them. So if we can rearrange the atoms in: Coal we get diamonds or black lead. Sand ( adding a few other hint elements ) we get computing machine french friess. Dirt, H2O and air we can do murphies. Unlike their larger or â€Å" macro †opposite numbers, nanoparticles frequently display alone belongingss that may be of usage for assorted applications.Introduction to Liquid CrystalsThe survey of liquid crystals began ( 1888 ) when an Austrian phytologist, Friedrich Reinitzer observed that a stuff known as cholesteryl benzoate had two distinguishable runing points. In his experiments, Reinitzer increased the temperature of a solid sample and watched the crystal alteration into a brumous liquid. As he increased the temperature further, the stuff changed once more into a clear, crystalline liquid. Because of this early work, Reinitzer is credited with detecting a new province of affair – the liquid crystal province.What are Liquid Crystals?There are solids which when heated undergo two crisp stage transmutations one after the other. They foremost fuse aggressively giving turbid liquid and so once more every bit aggressively at higher temperature giving clear liquids. These alterations are precisely reversed on chilling at the same temperatures. The turbid liquid nevertheless show anisotropy ( i.e. , they have different physical belongingss in different waies ) . Anisotropy is observed peculiarly in their optical behaviour. Therefore they exhibit dual refractions and intervention forms in polarized visible radiation. True liquids, on the contrary, are isotropous ( i.e. , they have same belongingss in all waies ) . Since anisotropic belongingss are associated with crystalline province, the turbid liquids are called liquid crystals. And as they are neither solids nor liquids, hence, the term muscular province ( intending intermediate signifier, in Greek ) likely fits the best. But liquid crystal besides continues to be used even in present twenty-four hours literature. Obviously, an indispensable demand for mesomorphism to happen is that the molecule should be anisotropic in form, like rod or a phonograph record. Industrial Lubricants exist, more or less, in liquid crystalline, i.e. , muscular province. The proteins and fats besides exist or acquire changed into this province before digestion and are therefore easy assimilated into the organic structure. This province is believed to play an of import function in the nutritionary and other procedures. Note the mean alliance of the molecules for each stage in the undermentioned diagram. It is sometimes hard to find whether a stuff is in a crystal or liquid crystal province. Crystalline stuffs demonstrate long scope periodic order in three dimensions. By definition, an isotropic liquid has no orientational order. Substances that are non ordered as solids, yet have some grade of alliance are decently called liquid crystals.PHASES OF LIQUID CRYSTALSThere are two basic stages of Liquid Crystals:NEMATIC SMECTICLiquid crystals act like polarising filters. The orientationally ordered rod-like molecules in liquid crystals affect the polarisation of the familial visible radiation.What is Liquid Crystal DisplayaˆÂ ¦ ?A procedure of picture show which is based on liquid crystal bed sandwiched between two polarising crystalline glass beds. The crystals that are charged by transistors unfastened and close to let and barricade the transition of visible radiation. In a projection format, visible radiation is passed through the LCD panel, from an internal lamp, onto the screen and each crystal is represented by one pel.Types of LC DisplaysThere are the undermentioned types of Liquid Crystal Displaies: Activematrix liquid crystal show Cholesteric liquid crystal show Transflective liquid crystal show ST liquid crystal showApplications Of LCDTypes of Display Screens Used TodayThere are two basic types of show screens used in today ‘s clip that are as followers: Cathode Ray Tube Display Liquid Crystal DisplayWhat is CRT DisplayaˆÂ ¦ ?CRT Display is an parallel show device which uses a vacuity tubing that generates images, on a bed of phosphors driven by an negatron beam, inside the tubing.How Does CRT WorksaˆÂ ¦ ?CRTs work by lighting points of phosphor on the screen by firing a beam of negatrons from the dorsum of the tubing. At the rear of the tubing an emitter is present. A beam of negatrons is sent towards the screen at the forepart of the tubing, by the emitter. The beam of negatrons is passed through a magnetic field which targets it at specific place on the screen, at the forepart of the tubing. The screen in forepart of the tubing is coated with phosphor which glows when it is struck by negatron beam. The phosphor points are arranged in little groups of ruddy, green and bluish and by uniting these three primary colourss, any colour can be created.Advantages of CRTSing AngleDue to the glowing points being near to the surface of glass, each point is every bit bright from any sing angle.B. ) colour fidelityAs each point is self-illuminating, uneven lighting or screening angles would non do colour fluctuations across the surface of the screen.No â€Å" dead pels †CRT ‘s do n't endure from the job of â€Å" dead pels †that consequence Plasma and LCD shows because the procedure of pu ting down the phosphor points is really simple.Disadvantages of CRTWeightAs the CRT screens get larger, their glass must acquire thicker to defy the force per unit area of the vacuity inside which would ensue in telecastings weighing 100s of lbs.B. ) Phosphor Burn-inThe phosphor compounds which really create the seeable visible radiation in the CRT show become less aglow with usage. This is one of the chief grounds for why an old telecasting set expression dim. If the show is systematically used to demo the same image for a long period of clip, the image can acquire â€Å" burned in †to the screen and it appears as a darkened image whenever the show is turned on. This is a common issue in instances when the show is connected to a computing machine where the common screen elements such as bill of fares or Windowss may stay on the screen for a long period of clip. While the new sets use a no. of techniques to cut down the happening of burn-in drastically, the overall brightness of the show still diminishes over clip.c. ) SizeCRT shows are limited to size around 45 inches. They are besides deeper than about all other shows because the negatron gun is placed far plenty behind the screen such that the full surface can be hit by it. Earlier the negatron gun had a sweep angle of 90 grades but in the late 1990 ‘s many CRT ‘s started utilizing negatron guns with 100 grades arc, which allowed shorter tubings to be used.How Does Liquid Crystal Display WorksaˆÂ ¦ ?The liquid crystal show works by reflecting a changeless, pure white visible radiation, foremost through a liquid crystal â€Å" shutter †and so through a coloured filter to make each point ( pel ) on the show. Each pel is really made up of three of these points of ruddy, green, and blue, each. The liquid crystal â€Å" shutters †first base on balls the polarising the visible radiation in one way and so base on balls it through a bed of liquid crystal. The liquid crystals are used to revolve the polarisation of the light passing through them, when the current is applied and the sum of rotary motion is controlled by changing the current. The visible radiation is so passed through a colour filter for the remotion of other constituents of the white visible radiation, go forthing merely the coveted colourss. The colored ( and polarized ) visible radiation is so passed through a concluding polarizing filter which is rotated 90 grades with regard to the original polarizing filter. If the visible radiation had non been rotated, so no visible radiation would ‘ve passed through the 2nd polarizing filter and the point would look dark. If the visible radiation had been to the full rotated, so it would go through through the filter at maximal strength.Advantages of LCDThe advantages of a liquid crystal show are:FlatDue to the absence of any big tubing, the LCD is much thinner than a CRT show.LightweightBecause it requires a beginning of visible radiation and the lightweight LCD shutters, the liquid crystal show is much lighter than CRT shows.Low Power ConsumptionAlthough the light beginning is required to run at maximal power over the full surface of the show, LCD ‘s by and large use lesser energy to run than CRT shows. Nowadays LCD shows use LED backlights usage less energy than any other show.Disadvantages of LCDThe disadvantages of the Liquid crystal show are:Sing AngleBecause of the colour filters and liquid crystals sitting between the spectator and the light beginning, each pel on an LCD show exists in a little â€Å" box †that prevents visible radiation from shed blooding from one pel to another . The â€Å" walls †of these boxes block the line-of-sight between the light beginning and the spectator when viewed at an angle which reduces the sensed brightness of that pel. Newer and more expensive shows are utilizing shallower boxes to minimise this issue.Response TimeEarlier, LCD shows had been plagued by slow response times because of the liquid crystals taking clip to alter province which consequences in â€Å" blurring †or â€Å" streaking †of fast-moving images. Newer theoretical accounts do non endure from this show â€Å" slowdown †as much.Color fidelityLCD shows use a individual visible radiation beginning that eliminates each pel in the show equally. It is really hard to fabricate a visible radiation beginning which is equally illuminated across its full surface. Inexpensive LCD ‘s frequently have uneven illuming across the show. In add-on, on larger shows, the spectator ‘s angle from the show may change rather a spot from the centre to the borders of the screen. Because of this the pels near the borders appear darker because they are non being viewed head-on.ContrastAs the light beginning is ever â€Å" on †behind every point of the LCD, it is hard to wholly barricade the visible radiation at a given pel and accomplish true black.LCD Construction & A ; Terminology1. ) F substrate ( glass ) 2. ) Terminal 3. ) Section electrode 4. ) Common electrode 5. ) B substrate ( glass ) 6. ) Upper polarising home base 7. ) Orientation bed 8. ) Sealant 9. ) LC ( liquid crystal ) 10. ) Conducting stuff 11. ) Sealant 12. ) Inlet 13. ) Sing country 14. ) Lower polarising home base, or lower polarising home base and reflecting home base
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Persepolis Critical essay
As a native to this strict Middle-Eastern country', Satraps had much to discuss about the expected public behavior of women and the higher standards men were granted through gender inequality. Following the Islamic Revolution of 1 979, the new theocratic regime enforced strict moral conduct codes for females that, in effect, opposed women's rights. Satrap's description of her country aligns itself with the idea that women who openly spoke out and opposed the regime's traditional values were negatively received by the government.Women were expected to be complacent and diet, and failure to do so resulted in severe punishments, such as execution or imprisonment. When magazines published a photograph of Maria's mother demonstrating for freedom, she quickly transformed her appearance and suppressed her rebellious personality in fear of the government's retribution (5). This outspoken attitude was passed down to Marci who, on various accounts, was reprimanded and kicked out of schools and several residences.Aware of the potential consequences her words held, Maria's parents went to such drastic lengths to ensure the protection of their daughter that they sent ere to Vienna where freedom of speech was right was not restricted (147). Furthermore, women were especially disemboweled because their individuality was minimized when they were forced to wear a veil in public, a theme and image that are frequently depicted through Satrap's style of drawing. The similarity between the female characters' images evokes the sentiment that the veil erases all sense of individuality.This obligatory accessory came to eliminate a woman's body shape and protect women from the potential rapists who got excited by their hair. When Maria's mother went UT in public without wearing the symbol of modesty, two'0 fundamentalist men saw it as their right to verbally attack and insult her since she was challenging the regime (74). The executives were very critical towards women who strayed from their straight and narrow path, as demonstrated when Marci was almost taken to the headquarters of the guardians of the revolution for wearing â€Å"symbols of decadence†(132-134).This radical government system was not fully welcomed by the citizens, and Satraps described it as a suffocating and oppressive state where discrimination against women was a jugular occurrence. Gender roles and the power associated with them were clearly detectable throughout the comic; men were viewed as the bread makers and intelligent leaders of society, and women were housewives. Boys were indoctrinated from a young age to become soldiers, tempted with literal keys to open the gates of heaven, and fighting on the front line to earn their entry into paradise (99).War propaganda glorified being a soldier, and it became less about fighting for a country values and more about using the military to protect territorial and financial investments. The young soldiers ere filled with a false sense of p ower because they were hypnotized into believing it would grant them access into an â€Å"afterlife even better than Disneyland†(101). Girls, on the other hand, were kept at home to make winter hoods for soldiers, still with the expectation of remaining complacent and quiet.Satraps also criticized government officials by calling them hypocritical in their judgment of modest appearances. Numerous restrictions were imposed on what and how women were allowed to dress, whereas men were given the freedom to â€Å"present themselves with all clothes so tight they were practically sculpted on†(297). At one point during a convocation, Marci publicly confronted the administration by questioning if â€Å"religion was defending [their] physical integrity or if it was just opposed to fashion†(297).Even more, Satraps depicts how men's Offensive actions could be justified by the comportment of women, and how women were objectified and degraded by men. It was acceptable for a guardian of the revolution to marry and steal the virginity of a rebellious girl before her execution, as was the case with Nonlinear, the eighteen-year-old communist who was only given a dowry equivalent to five dollars (125). For a country that placed a lot of importance on modesty, the gender inequalities were far more apparent.Although Satraps shares many of her memories on controlling leaders and discrimination against women, that is not to say that there are only radical portrayals of gender in Prolepsis. Satrap's connection to Iran is strong and loyal; she believes the â€Å"entire nation should not be judged by the wrongdoings of a few extremists†(introduction). Maria's family and her circle of friends were very avian-garden and would make subtly oppose the government by hosting secret parties with the opposite sex, wearing makeup, ND exposing tufts of hair through the veil.Capitalism and anything relating to the Western world was banned and a cultural revolution was supported by the theocratic regime. Because of this uprising, females were expected to follow an enforced and strict conduct, and the conformity often became so familiar that an escape from the chains seemed impossible. Gender inequality is also explored throughout the comic, highlighting how men were given more freedom and power than women. Satraps portrayed men as being able to contribute to society and hold high-ranking titles, whereas the AR required women stay confined by the walls of their house.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Global Investments- Portfolio Building Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Global Investments- Portfolio Building - Essay Example Modern Portfolio Theory developed by Nobel Prize winner Professor Harry Markowitz demonstrates how the risk-adjusted returns of a portfolio can be improved by diversification of investments across assets with varied correlations. This paper takes this theory philosophy, and it will be the foundation in which portfolios will be constructed (Riley, 21-38). Considering that investment management involves much of art as science, qualitative considerations will play a critical role in this portfolio development (Reilly, 47). Precise distinctions among asset classes is subjective, therefore no clear distinctions exists. Returns and correlations are difficult to forecast, though historical data may provide a guide, which will be modified to incorporate structural changes and compensate for anomalous periods. Taking into account the prevailing market conditions, this paper makes the below judgment on market returns and their associated risks. Mixing the above assets will produce a real return of 11.5%, with an expected growth of 6.3% annually, and a standard deviation (risk) of 10.2%. Available resources for current operations will utter the purchase power of assets, and this pushes this impacts investment policy. The above mix of assets is defined by their differences expected in their response to economic conditions, among them price inflation, interests rates and economic growth. Over the past few decades, most of the University’s endowment funds invested highly on US marketable securities, and were there core factors in their investments. Taking into account the prevailing economic times, this paper finds that it will be wiser to commit some of it assets to developed markets outside the United State with a percentage of 6.5% and a standard deviation of 14.3%. These markets are given preference taking into account the globalization of trade, where these markets operate
Martin luther kings letter from birmingham jail Essay
Martin luther kings letter from birmingham jail - Essay Example The passage chosen for this discussion is given in quotations below. This passage is a classic example of the manifestation of Dr. King’s charisma and eloquence. It also demonstrates some of the tools of rhetoric that King used in his speeches and writings that have a powerful effect on the listener. Some key sentences from the following passage will be taken for deeper analysis: â€Å"We have waited for more than three hundred and forty years for our God-given and constitutional rights. The nations of Asia and Africa are moving with jet like speed toward the goal of political independence, and we still creep at horse-and-buggy pace toward the gaining of a cup of coffee at a lunch counter. I guess it is easy for those who have never felt the stinging darts of segregation to say "wait." But †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.when you are humiliated day in and day out by nagging signs reading "white" and "colored"; when your first name becomes "nigger" and your middle name becomes "boy" (however old you are) and your last name becomes "John," and when your wife and mother are never given the respected title "Mrs."; when you are harried by day and haunted by night by the fact that you are a Negro, living constantly at tiptoe stance, never quite knowing what to expect next, and plagued with inner fears and outer resentments; when you are forever fighting a degenerating sense of "nobody-ness"â€â€then you will understand why we find it difficult to wait. There comes a time when the cup of endurance runs over and men are no longer willing to be plunged into an abyss of injustice where they experience the bleakness of corroding despair. I hope, sirs, you can understand our legitimate and unavoidable impatience†. The very first sentence demonstrates King’s employment of a historical perspective to current political events. Here, the
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
The history of Intellectual Property Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The history of Intellectual Property - Essay Example The WIPO defined 'intellectual property' as "creations of the mind: inventions, literary and artistic works, and symbols, names, images, and designs used in commerce." Intellectual property "is divided into two categories: industrial property, which includes inventions (patents), trademarks, industrial designs, and geographic indications of source; and copyright, which includes literary and artistic works such as novels, poems and plays, films, musical works, artistic works such as drawings, paintings, photographs and sculptures, and architectural designs. Rights related to copyright include those of performing artists in their performances, producers of phonograms in their recordings, and those of broadcasters in their radio and television programs." (WIPO, 1967) In simple words, intellectual property maybe called a generic term for a set of legal instruments that specify the exclusive rights granted to creators of new innovations. There are two categories of intellectual property r ights: the first, patents, copyright, industrial designs, plant breeders' rights and layout designs for integrated circuits which grant exclusive rights to new innovations and original works of authorship for a limited period.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Moral views in the development of English law Essay
Moral views in the development of English law - Essay Example 123), which calls upon a legal community's moral judgment in determining what is aptly, the common good. Moreover, within the context of English Law, this relationship is further emphasised in the role that judges play in the development of precedents embodied within case law. Thus, it is within this context that this essay aims to analyse the significance that moral views have played, if they did, in the development of English Law. As this essay will argue, moral views have played a significant role in the development of English laws, due to the consideration that the legal community has given to the collective standards of morality accepted by the English society in creating legislations, statutes, and EC (European Council) Directives; and the discretion of judges in developing precedents in common law. To prove this point, the essay will begin by presenting the sources of English Law. It will then illustrate the manner that legislations, statutes, and EC Directives are reflective of societal perceptions of morality; and the extent of judges' discretion in case law. Lastly, the essay will illustrate the role morals have played in the development of English law, as well as the effect it has had the law's legal development, before ending with concluding statements. Under English Law, legal development proceeds through a number of instruments such as precedent through courts, legislation through the UK parliament, and as a result of European legislation through directives and decisions of the European Union court adopted by the government. What is apparent among these sources is the degree of discretionary power given both to the individual judges under common law in terms of interpretation, such that disputes can be resolved in a manner that can be either just or unjust; and to the legal community in terms of legislation, which is affected by the individual judgment of each member, as well - both of which will be discussed in following sections. What is imperative as this point, however, is the need to distinguish between morality and moral views, such that while morality refers to some conventional conception of right or wrong; moral views, which is the topic of this essay, refers to the individual standards adhered to by individual judges an d members of the parliament, as well as legislators of Community law. Thus, in order to illustrate that moral views are significant in the development of laws, one must simply illustrate that discretion is evident in the legal development of English Law, regardless if this legal development is moral or not. In this respect, this essay argues that the significance of moral views are evident in the way that English Law can both either be just or unjust, depending on the consensus of legislators' moral views regarding the common good; and the moral judgment of case law judges in interpreting these rules. English Law and the Common Good The Parliament consists of the Crown, the elected House of Common and the Unelected House of Lords. As Sir E. Coke claims, it is "the highest and most honourable and absolute Court of Justice in England,' and its 'jurisdiction' is 'so transcendent' that it can make and repeal laws on any subject matter and its honour and justice cannot be doubted" (cited in Walters 2003). This is also echoed by Austin, claiming that "the sovereign, or supreme legislator, is the author of all law"
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Thomas Paine Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Thomas Paine - Research Proposal Example In July 1761, he returned to his native town of Thetford to work as a supernumerary officer for a bit more than one year. After that Paine moved to Lincolnshire and became an exciseman. His service continued until August 1765, when he was fired for "claiming to have inspected goods he did not inspect" (Conway, 1892). In 1767 Paine became a schoolteacher in London, but that occupation was also rather short: the next year he again took the position of exciseman Lewes, East Sussex. His service lasted for the next six years during which Paine serviced as exciseman and simultaneously managed a small tobacco shop. In 1771 he married Elizabeth Ollive and for the first time involved in the political issues: he joined the Society of Twelve, a local group of thinkers that periodically met to politics of the local authorities. In the beginning of 1774, Paine was again fired from his service and his tobacco shop collapsed so that he had to sell his household possessions to rid himself of debts. The second marriage was also childless and not happy. In 1774 he legally divorced Elizabeth Ollive and moved to London where he got acquainted with Benjamin Franklin, and in October same year upon receiving the letter of recommendation from Franklin who administered emigration to colonial America at that time, Thomas Paine traveled to Philadelphia (Ayer, 1990). The travel was very difficult and Paine barely survived it: it took him 6 weeks to fully recover. After recovery, he settled in Philadelphia, changed his birth name to 'Paine', and began to work as a journalist for the Pennsylvania Magazine (Conway, 1892). Strong eloquent style of Paine's articles and pamphlets immediately earned him a reputation of radical uncompromising fighter for the natural rights of man and freedom. On January 10, 1776, one Paine's most famous pamphlets known Common Sense was published. Some historians believe that the pamphlet became arguably the most essential piece of writing that had strong social and political influence on those day's developments that eventually led up to independence (Larkin, 2005). In particularly, Paine stated that: "Society in every state is a blessing, but Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one: for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries by a Government, which we might expect in a country without Government, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer. Government, like dress, is the badge of lost innocence; the palaces of kings are built upon the ruins of the bowers of paradise" (Paine, 1776). Such very sharp and radical stance was the distinct feature of Paine's writing. Thus, he dismissed the King as a fool (labeled King George III as "the Royal Brute of Great Britain" (Jensen, 1968, p. 668) claiming that heredity is not always and not necessarily related with natural ability, that Britain used the colonies solely for obtaining profits treating the colonists in unacceptable fashion. Paine also urged the colonies to unite as quickly as possible to effectively protect their rights and believed that the only possible way to do so was to become fully independent: "Until an independence is declared, the continent will feel itself like a man who continues
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Reflection Paper Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Reflection Paper - Thesis Example Basically, the nature of business competition within the market is very complex in the sense that the business owner is required to deal not only with the specific needs and wants of their target customers but also play close attention to the business strategy that each business competitor is using in the market (Brandenburger and Nalebuff). As one of the principles of game theory, business owners should keep in mind the saying that â€Å"to every action, there is a reaction†(Brandenburger and Nalebuff 58). It simply means that whatever decision the business owner makes would definitely affect something or someone. Within this context, major business decision could either directly or indirectly affect the customers, suppliers, or their business partners. To earn profit, the business managers should be able to satisfy the specific needs and wants of their target customers. By doing so, existing customers would stay loyal to the brand. To grab a bigger share in the market, the business owner should apply a more complex business strategy. Aside from examining the product quality, design, and market price offered by other similar companies, the business manager should take it as a challenge to develop new ways on how they can create competitive advantage as compared to their close market competitors (Brandenburger and Nalebuff; McGahan; Ohmae). In general, the elements behind a successful business or competitive strategy is not limited to the creation of a competitive advantage but also the ability of the corporate managers to position the brand in the market, to create a vision which can be used to guide the rest of the employees to work towards a single organizational goal, the need to create and set specific business goals, and the development of business activities that can help create more value to the brand (McGahan; Ohmae). To increase the chances wherein the
Friday, August 23, 2019
Women's Sufferage Movement (NAWSA and AWSA) Term Paper
Women's Sufferage Movement (NAWSA and AWSA) - Term Paper Example In the earliest days of these movements, the major driving force was always the need to enable women to vote in the elections. The National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA) and the American Women Suffrage Association (AWSA) have indeed played a great role in trying to bridge the gap that always existed and making the lives of women better throughout the country1. However, the core of the argument in this respect concerns the success of these women movements in their activities. This argument arises out of the general feeling that the activities of these movements have not always addressed the fundamental discrimination that faces women in the country. The major focus of these women’s organizations in the early days of formation was basically to secure the right to vote. However, in the present case, these movements are always in a constant search for equity between men and women in all spheres of life. It has indeed been realized that the activities of NAWSA in the suffrage movement was always absorbed in dealing with the challenges faced by minority women in the marginalized areas of America. In this regard, it was therefore much difficult for these organizations to realize their ultimate objectives. In any case, it was always imperative that the organizations address the challenges faced by the minority women in America. ... In the same manner, it was further realized that there was a lot of infighting between the women movements mostly emanating from the need to gain recognition across the country. Without doubt, the infighting was certainly a ground that never favored the activities of these organizations. It must be admitted that woman’s suffrage movements actually became a vital force in the fight against the discrimination of women in the country. However, much success for the organizations would be realized in the event of a united force seeking to address the fundamental issues affecting the women. For instance, in 1914, Paul and Burns broke from the NAWSA when they formed the Congressional Union which later changed its name to the National Woman’s Party. As a result of this divide, it was realized that the activities of the organization actually diminished as much focus was now geared toward leadership jostles and other aspects of the organization instead of the major focus of seeki ng to address the injustices that were directed towards women in the country. The success of these women suffrage movements has therefore been much limited compared to their potential to address the needs of women in the country. Despite the common feeling that NAWSA and AWSA have not really performed to their full potential, it must be realized that on the overall scorecard, it can be stated that the women’s movements have indeed played a great role in the creating a sense of equity between the lives of women and men in entirely all phases of life in the United States. Much success for these organizations has been realized to the extent that the United States is presently ahead in terms of gender equity for most of its
Thursday, August 22, 2019
The Role of Engineer in Nation Building Essay Example for Free
The Role of Engineer in Nation Building Essay Why should a privileged person help an underprivileged person? As the definition suggests that the privileged person is someone who is having the special rights, advantages or immunities or having the rare opportunity to do something that brings particular pleasure. On the other hand the unprivileged person is someone who is not enjoying the same standard of living or rights as the majority of the people in the society. So in a socio economic point of view the presence of both the class cannot be ignored but with proper ratio. A society can’t only have one of the two to improve or else we can say the wheel of the society can’t be moved freely without the presence of the two but of course there should be a proper balance between these two. The law of the nature says that the stream flows from the top to bottom likewise the privileged person should come and hold the hand of the underprivileged person to move the society in a proper pace. Now it’s the time to think of the human values and morality of a human being if he/she is gifted with some advantages or right then it’s the duty of them to come and help the people who are deprived of. On the other hand the underprivileged person should be thankful and have sense of gratitude for the person whom he/she is grateful in any sense be it money, values or spiritualism. Even Mahatma Gandhi told this in another aspect such as: I want to write many new things but they all must be written on Indian state. I would gladly borrow from the west when I can return the amount with decent interest. So borrowing things from others is not a crime but one should not forget about to return with something greater to the person whom he/she is grateful to. This is a cycle of civilization and one can’t break the chain. The society is mixed with people and cultures, one should be aware of the fact that everybody is equally important and they should help each other to form a warm and healthy atmosphere to live for the next generations to come. Even the Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen in his book The Idea of Justice (2009) explained that ideal democracy demands to take from the rich and use honestly and wisely for the people. Moreover, Sen notes that in famines only a very small proportion of the population is affectedâ€â€much less than 10%. Political pressure from this group alone would not be enough to force a democratic government to respond. It is the pressure from the non-suffering members of society that makes the difference. But if government officials in democracies don’t care about the starving unless they are threatened with a loss of power, why do members of the population who are not starving care about the starving? It seems that if compassion or solidarity moves non-starving citizens to advocate for famine victims, it would move government officials to respond to the famine. Even Bentham and Mill explained that west democracy instills an idea for the greatest good of the largest number. M.K.Gandhi denies the principle and said that it should be greatest good for all. So on a nutshell we can conclude that for maintaining a true democracy it is the need of an hour to help unprivileged people for the greatest good of the civilization.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Legal Ethics Assignment Essay Example for Free
Legal Ethics Assignment Essay 1. Food and Drug Administration. This agency and proposed regulation interests me because since it is something that has become popular in the recent years and that it affects many people in the united states and in the world today. Yes, many people in the gaming industry smoke on a regular basics. It will not affect the business directly; just the workers in the industry. 2. The proposal is a consideration of applicable approval mechanisms and additional indications for nicotine replacement therapies (NRTs), and input on a report to Congress examining the regulation and development of innovative products and treatments for tobacco dependence. In more basic terms it is trying to get tobacco dependent treatments or mechanisms, such as electronic cigarettes, a chance to be officially approved by the FDA. 3. Six months after most people purchased e-cigarettes, 31% of these smokers said theyd quit cigarettes and two-thirds of them said theyd cut back on the number of cigarettes they smoked. A third of those whod quit smoking also quit using e-cigarettes. But E-cigarettes have not been tested for efficacy and safety. Additionally, they are produced overseas with little oversight to ensure good manufacturing practices. To regulate this product identified chemicals and quantities that is used in this product, release pros and cons for this product, and put a warning label on the product about the risk of addiction to nicotine. I wish to accomplish in my comment was to help the FDA is that there is pros in the use of E-cigarettes. Also, that the use of E-cigarettes is a lower and healthier risk then the use of regular tobacco cigarettes. 4. The deadline was Jan 16, 2013. 5.  a. Private citizens, government officials, industry representatives, businesspeople, and corporations can all send in comments based on provided proposed regulation during the public comment period. Anyone who wishes to challenge the validity of a federal regulation after it becomes law must participate in the comment period and voice his or her concerns at that time. Some agencies hold public hearings on proposed regulations. The purpose of the hearings is to take input on the proposals and consider additional evidence and consider additional evidence and factors relevant in promulgating the final version of the rule.†Business: Its Legal, Ethical, and Global Environment, 9th Edition. b. 1) Arbitrary and Capricious. Standard for challenging administrative agency rules; used to show decisions or rules were not based on sufficient. 2) Substantial Evidence Test. Basis for challenging the action of an administrative agency on the grounds that the rule promulgated was not based on enough evidence. 3) Failure to comply with the Administrative Procedures Act requirements of notice, publication, and public comment or input. The procedures for rulemaking must be followed in order for the regulatory process, and the resulting rules, to be valid. 4) Constitutional challenge. The regulation is unconstitutional. Dealing with regulations giving an agency authority to search records, or impose discriminatory requirements for licensing professionals. 5) Ultra Vires. Action taken beyond the scope of authority; with federal agencies, action taken that is beyond the congressional authority given in the enabling statute. c. From five legal theories, I would use Substantial Evidence Test to challenge this proposed regulation of not ban the use of electronic cigarettes. I choose this theory is based on the fact that there is enough evidence to prove that electronic cigarettes will not do the same damage to human as real cigarettes do. Because electronic cigarettes contain different chemical other than liquid nicotine, there is enough research to prove that other chemical will not affect people’s health, meaning electronic cigarettes are still a healthy alternative of cigarettes. Also, companies that manufacture electronic cigarettes claim their products do not contain carcinogens or tar or produce secondhand smoke, should be the first concern of making this regulation.
The Role Of An Entrepreneur In Enterprise Business Essay
The Role Of An Entrepreneur In Enterprise Business Essay An entrepreneur is a person who is the owner of a new enterprise, venture or idea and is accountable for the inherent risks and the outcome. To put it in simple words an entrepreneur is someone who seeks the opportunity, organizes resources needed for working out on that opportunity and exploits it. Computers, Television, Mobile phones, washing machines, ATMs, Credit Cards, Courier Service, and Ready to eat Foods are all examples of entrepreneurial ideas that got changed into products or services. Some of the definitions of entrepreneur have been given below: Joseph. A .Scum peter defines an entrepreneur as a person who innovates, raises money, assembles inputs, chooses managers and sets the organization going with his ability to identify opportunities which others are not able to identify and is able to make use of them. Peter Drucker defines an entrepreneur as one who always searches for a change responds to it and exploits it as an opportunity. An entrepreneur innovates. Innovation is a specific instrument of success available to entrepreneur Source: Drucker, P. F. (1985). Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Characteristics of an Entrepreneur: Mental Ability Entrepreneur must have creative thinking and is able to analyze problems and situations. He should be able to foresee changes. Business Secrecy He should hide and protect his business secrets from his competitors. Clear Objectives The objectives has to be clear in his mind regarding the nature of business and goods to be produced. Human Relations The relationship between the entrepreneur, customers and employees e.t.c. has to be good. It is important to maintain personal relations, tactfulness, stability in emotions and consideration with customers, employees, etc. Communication Ability Good communication skill is the asset for any entrepreneur as it eases the understanding between anyone working or dealing within or outside the company. Source: Desai, V (2001). Dynamics of entrepreneurial development Management. Himalaya Publishing House. So we can say that an ENTREPRENEUR: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Is a person who develops and owns his own enterprise. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Is a moderate risk taker and works under uncertainty for achieving the goal. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Is innovative à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Reflects strong urge to be independent. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Persistently tries to do something better. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Dissatisfied with routine activities. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Prepared to withstand the hard life. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Determined but patient à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Exhibits sense of leadership à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Also exhibits sense of competitiveness à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Takes personals responsibility à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Is Oriented towards the future. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Tends to persist in the face to adversity à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Converts a situation into opportunity. Entrepreneurship:- The word entrepreneurship is derived from the French verb Enterprendre. The French men who organised and led military expeditions in the early 16th century referred to as Entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship is the act of being an entrepreneur, which can be defined as one who undertakes innovations, finance and business insight in an effort to change innovations into economic goods. This may result in new organizations or may be part of revitalizing mature organizations in response to a perceived opportunity. The most understandable form of entrepreneurship is that of starting a new business (referred as Startup Company); however, in recent years, the term has been extended to incorporate social and political forms of entrepreneurial activity. According to A.H. Cole Entrepreneurship is the purposeful activity of an individual or group of associated individuals, undertaken to initiate, maintain or aggrandize profit by production or distribution of economic goods or services. According to Peter. P. Drucker Entrepreneurship is neither a science nor an art. It is a practice. It is knowledge base. Knowledge in entrepreneurship is a means to an end, that is, by the practice. Source: Cole A.H. (1959), Business enterprise in its social setting. Cambridge: Harvard University press. Types of Entrepreneur and their features: Business Entrepreneurs It is refers to the individuals who conceive an idea for the product or service and makes the business around it. For example Pen production and marketing. The establishment of the business can be of big and small in size. Trading Entrepreneurs It refers to the person who is not considered with manufacturing but only undertakes trading activities. He is the one who identifies market, stimulates demand for product line among buyers. Industrial Entrepreneurs Essentially a manufacturer, a person who identifies the need of a customer and tailors a product. They are the one who converts economic resources and technological resources in to profitable ventures. for example electronic industry and textile units. Corporate Entrepreneurs A person who demonstrates his innovative skill in organising and managing corporate undertaking. Agriculture Entrepreneur It refers to the person who undertakes agricultural activities as raising and marketing of crops, fertilizers etc. Example agricultural tourism and manufacturing and marketing of fertilizers. Technical Entrepreneurs Its can be considered as a craftsman. They concentrate more on production and less or negligible on sales. Source: Scott, S. (2003). A General Theory of Entrepreneurship: the Individual-Opportunity Nexus, Edward Elgar STEVE JOBS Steve Jobs is an American inventor and the CEO and co-founder of Apple Inc., a primary manufacturer of electronic devices including the Macintosh Computer (MAC), iPod, iPhone, and the music and video software iTunes. He was CEO of Pixar Animation Studios until it was acquired by Disney in2006. Although he is known as a business and sales tycoon, Steve Jobs is credited with many of the electronic inventions now patented by Apple. Steven Paul Jobs was born in San Francisco on 24th February 1955 to Joanne Carole Schieble and Syrian Abdulfattah John Jandali and adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs. He attended the Cupertino Middle School followed by high school at Homestead H.S. in the same town of Cupertino. He spent his childhood in the South Bay area, a region that would later become known as Silicon Valley. During high school Jobs held a summer job at the Hewlett-Packard Company in Palo Alto prior to attending college. His original association with Steven Wozniakbegan was a result of attending lectures and working at HP. Although he attended Reed College in Portland, Oregon, Steve Jobs never graduated, having only spent about six months at college. He returned to California in 1974 and began attending meetings of the Homebrew Computer Club with his friend Wozniak. At the same time he took a job at Atari to save money for a spiritual retreat to India. While working there he discovered that a popular whistle recreated the tones needed to make long distance phone calls with ATT. Jobs convinced Wozniak to go into business with him to create blue boxes and sell them to people wishing to make free long distance phone calls. Jobs ended up backpacking through India but returned to work with Atari. He continued to work with Wozniak on other projects and finally convinced him to market a computer Wozniak had built for himself. On April 1, 1976, Apple Inc. was born. Although the business started with printed circuit boards, Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs eventually created their first personal computer, the Apple I, and sold it for $666.66. They later followed it with the Apple II, a large success for their business. Apple Inc. began selling shares in December of 1980. As the company grew, so did its merchandise and the hugely successful Macintosh was introduced to the public in 1984 and became the first personal computer with a graphical user interface (GUI) through which individuals could interact with the items on the screen. Steve Jobs was the founder and inspiration for the Apple Company, but he was slowly pushed out for aggressive and underhanded tactics Employees said he had a temper, and was usually stubborn After an internal power struggle, he was eventually kicked off the board of directors Jobs protested and resigned, even though he stayed the chairmen for some time. He was so upset, he sold all but one of his Apple shares During this time, Jobs bought what became Pixar from Lucas film for $5 million He also started the computer company NeXT Computer Though it never went very mainstream, due to high costs, it was responsible for many important innovations, including NeXTMail, Jobs email program that supported embedded graphics and sounds and the original World Wide Web system (www). As Apple grew even more, Jobs experienced tension with the board and the struggles led to Jobs leaving Apple in May of 1985.Steve Jobs went on to create the company called NeXT in 1986. Although it began as a company designed around aesthetic interpersonal computing, it later focused more on software development. NeXT ended up playing a major role in the development of email and the worldwide web. In 1986, Jobs bought The Graphics Group (later renamed Pixar) from Lucas films computer graphics division for the price of $10 million, $5 million of which was given to the company as capital. In 1996, Apple announced that it would buy NeXT for $429 million. The deal was finalized in late 1996 bringing Jobs back to the company he co-founded. He soon became Apples interim CEO after the directors lost confidence in and ousted then-CEO Apple bought NeXT in 1996 and reinstated Jobs as the Chief Executive Officer. His current annual salary is $1, but he receives executive gifts from the board that give better tax advantages than does his salary. He is well known for his work ethic as well as his bad temper, but has consistently helped to grow Apple from a company bordering on bankruptcy in the 1990s to a very successful company today. Steve Jobs has helped establish the new electronic divisions and personally helped to create the iPod, iphone, and other personal devices. Source: Steve Jobs, (2011). Long Bio [Online] Available at: ( Accessed: 23 March 2011) Achievements:- He was awarded the National Medal of Technology from President Ronald Reagan in1984 with Steve Wozniak (among the first people to ever receive the honour) and a Jefferson Award for Public Service in the category Greatest Public Service by an Individual 35 Years or Under (aka the Samuel S. Beard Award) in 1987. On November 27, 2007, Jobs was named the most powerful person in business by Fortune Magazine. On December 5, 2007, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and First Lady Maria Shriver inducted Jobs into the California Hall of Fame, located at The California Museum for History, Women and the Arts. In August 2009, Jobs was selected the most admired entrepreneur among teenagers on a survey by Junior Achievement. On November 5, 2009, Jobs was named the CEO of the decade by Fortune Magazine. In November 2009 Jobs was ranked #57 on Forbes: The Worlds Most Powerful People. In December 2010, the Financial Times named Jobs its person of the year for 2010. Steve is in the Guinness Book of World Records as the Lowest Paid Chief Executive Officer, with a salary of just $1. Source: Pena, M. (2005). Steve Jobs to 2005 graduates: Stay Hungry, stay foolish [online]. Available at: (Accessed: 24th March 2011) Steve Jobs as an entrepreneur:- It is evident that most of the entrepreneurs come from the various age levels, income levels, genders and race and from different ethical backgrounds. They have their own set of personal attributes which includes: Creativity, dedication, determination, flexibility, leadership style, passion, self- confidence and smart these all attributes makes them stand out of the crowd. Creativity:- In todays fast paced world competitive business environment requires companies to implement the process of innovation- It is a process of generating a new idea leading to start or make, a new or existing business firm or idea to reach a new successful level. Dedication: Success in any business can be achieved by the conscious effort and dedication. Any entrepreneur always does the things on right time with right planning and ideas adjoined with the hard work, this leads business to a successful venture. Dedication towards work encourages them to work hard. For them money is not the priority, its the rewards which plays the vital role. Flexibility:- It is very important for business because sometimes situation demands changes in plans and strategy, entrepreneur should use flexibility in order to correct mistakes, errors and in efficiencies. It is a way of handling a business with authority to change when the system demands. A Successful entrepreneur always has to be ready to make any changes according to the customers demand. Example:- Apple first comes up with the IPod in the market but when they realize that there is a market demand for Phone incorporated with the media player, they introduced their new invention Iphone . Leadership: According to Steve Jobs, Focus is critical for effective leadership, with so many options choosing the right one can be extremely difficult. Small changes can have big results, if you focus on the key issues and execute relentlessly on those key issues. To focus on the most important issues means you have to say not to a whole range of alternative opportunities. As a leader you have to be ready for setbacks. Setbacks are the part of life and whether you become successful or not often depend on your ability not to give up. It is a attribute to show that Never-say-die team. Source: HGIC (2011). Steve Jobs, Entrepreneur(Reed College) [Online]. Available at: (Accessed 26th march 2011) Leadership Style:- Autocratic style: Steve jobs admit that he used to handle incredible amount of workforce, at a time up to 100 individuals reports directly to him. The fact that there are so many individuals reports to him directly represents his will and eagerness to hold the command in his hands. Total control is the certainly the basis of leadership. Transformational style: Steve jobs has transformed many companies in to a success stories. He brings major positive changes in the company. For example he has transformed Pixar in to a success story. In transformation he enabled others to look out for each other, to be encouraging and harmonious, and to look out company as a whole. Passion: Steve jobs is very much passionate about whatever he is working on. This is very evident with his cocky attitude and lack of humane quality of a transformational leader. He enhances the motivation, morale and performance of his follower group. Some people characterize him as a charismatic leader because of his passion for work. Source: David Kramer. DK (2010). Leadership behaviour and attitude of Steve jobs. WordPress 15th February [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 1st April 2011) Management Strategy of Steve Jobs:- In an interview with Fortune, Steve jobs opened up his management style, The things which he said is illustrated below:- SWOT analysis you should know about your strengths and weaknesses as soon as u start a company. Spotting opportunities We need to spot the opportunities for improvement. You have to spot them and then create an environment to leverage that opportunity and to make it happen. Improve Productivity as an entrepreneur we should know what customers want and how to improve our own productivity. Look for the ideas which can improve your team and customers. Competitive advantage taking help with the IT or making their platform i.e. hardware or software systems closed can create a competitive advantage. Succession planning planning includes working together for a common goal. It is important to have succession planning so that business can run even at the time of unfortunate event. Focus focus on the most important issues which are relevant to the business and avoid issues and projects which not add value to the business. Talent acquisition Steve jobs always look for the talent who are strategically fit for the business and can be a good fit in the culture of the company. Always welcome open hands for the new talent so that the new hiring will not feel difficult to adjust. Handling barriers and roadblocks In many cases that could mean stopping projects altogether to take stock of current situations or to change the direction. There is no shame in that as the project has to deliver the projects core objective. Customer conversion It refers to utilisation of companys resources and potential in such a way which can create opportunities in attracting additional customers. Source:- CNN (2008). Americas most admired companies: Steve Jobs speaks out [online] Available at: (Accessed: 3rd April 2011) Comparison with Bill Gates It is obvious that Bill Gates and Steve Jobs have very different personalities. There are however, interesting parallels. For example, they both started with one business partner each who shared a common vision. To me though, the most important thing they both share is that they positioned themselves at the right time to take advantage of a massive growth surge in personal computing. Steve jobs and bill gates have both worked very hard to fulfil their vision to develop personal computers, but the way they choose things and makes decisions are somewhat different. Steve Jobs invented the Apple computer, which was one of the earliest personal computers, he also invented the Mac Book and of course the ever popular iPhone. While Bill Gates invented the Microsoft Windows operating system as well as the first mass produced personal computers. Both of these business tycoons are extremely rich, however, Bill Gates wealth is by far the biggest. Hes estimated to have assets over $50 billion dollars. However, a Steve Jobs only has $5 billion dollars worth of assets. Steve Jobs leadership is autocratic style, because he centralizes the authority, he never given a chance to subordinate to involving decision making. He thinks that whatever he do is right. Sometimes he acts as anti Gates, and sometimes request Microsoft to develop software for his computer. His cocky attitude and lack of management skills became a threat of APPLES success. On the other hand Bill Gates leadership is participative style because he involves his subordinate in decision making. He is a flexible person and he recognized his role was to be visionary of the company. Gates is a strong and energizing person his enthusiasm, hard working nature, judgment skills reflect his personality. His motivating power and involving his friends to working with him became the success of Microsoft. Source: Recomparison. (No date) Steve Jobs vs. Bill gates [Online] Available at: (Accessed: 8th April 2011) Task 2 The criterias used by Steve Jobs for selecting and implementing new business ventures:- No business comes in to existence without any purpose. The main primary common purpose for any business is making profits. To satisfy that need and the needs of customers companies put more emphasize on providing high quality products, goods and services. It would be not correct to say that the main priority for a business is to make money. Definitely a company needs profits to continue, but profits are not what business is for. No business sticks to the same strategy that what it adapted initially. Most of the business changes their policies and strategies according to the change in a business environment. Do what you love to do Do things which you really like to do. Put your heart and soul in it. Be different Stand out from the crowd by making different things and working differently. Do your best Always give your best whenever you indulge in a work. Hard work gives success and success generates more success. Be hungry for success and hire people with passion for excellence. Make SWOT Analysis Perform SWOT analysis of the work. Make list of strengths and weaknesses of your company. Dont hesitate to fire people who are not good for the company. Start small, think big Dont go for everything in one go, start by small and gradually stride towards the main big goal. Dont think about the today only Aim at the future. Strive to become market leader Make efforts to grab things which can give your business a competitive advantage over competitors. For example use the better technology available in the market. Focus on the outcome people judge you by performance. So focus on giving a good outcome. If the users dont know about your product or its feature then advertise it. Show them how it works. Ask for feedback Ask customers first. They can give you a proper feedback that what they like about your product and what they dislikes. Use feedbacks for future developments. Innovate Concentrate on the things which are better and are really useful to the business. Avoid things which can put you on the wrong track. Try to hire and make things which nobody have thought of. Learn from failures Innovations sometimes leads to mistakes. So admit it quickly and use measures to avoid it resulting in improved innovations. Source: Young, Jeffery S. (1988). Steve Jobs, the Journey Is the Reward. Lynx Books Important aspects to look before venturing a new market:- Need for the product or service Whether youre starting a new product, service or organization, there needs to be a strong market for it. One should always check and verify needs in the market for the particular product or service. Youll have to have enough evidence to convince an investor or funder or to yourself that yes there is really a need in the market. The nature of the product, who are the competitors and what makes your product different or more needed by the customer. For example increasing demand for palmtops leads Steve jobs to introduce I Pad in the market. The basic purpose of the business if you are starting a new business then you have to state the purpose of your business, mission statement has to be there. All the goals and objectives have to be pre-defined. Risk involvement What are the risks to the business if the product didnt work in market as expected. Risk from existing competitors in the market. Insurance cover has to be there to curb up the losses incurred. Steve jobs did took the risk of competing with Microsoft. Financial status for business planning Analyse the balance sheets, cash flow statements and income statements. It will help in knowing that where the business stands in financial terms. Are there sufficient finances available for making new moves. This will give the clear picture of the performance of business. Human resource- Look for the individuals who are best in that very field. Avoid those who can do what everybody is doing. Try those individuals who do things better, can work effectively and efficiently, generate innovative ideas. Steve Jobs has also performed talent scout to reach those people who are highly skilled and can work better than others. Market Trend Entrepreneur should know the trends going on in the market. This can leads a business in to profit maximization. For example when Steve Jobs found that there is a need and trend for a phone with built-in media player, he then comes up with the innovative idea of Iphone. Source: Chavez, J. (No Date). Apple CEO Steve Jobs demonstrates the Millionaire Mindset [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 4th April 2011). Conclusion:- Steve Jobs is unquestionably an extraordinary man by any standard. He has left his mark on no less than five industries: personal computers with Apple II and Macintosh, music with iPod and iTunes, phone with iPhone, and animation with Pixar. The middle-class hippie kid who left his education in between and built a computer empire and became a multi-millionaire in a few years, was fired from his own company before coming back a decade later to save it and turn it into one of the worlds most influential corporations, with millions of fans around the world. He has also contributed to the creation of the new leader in animated movies for decades to come. He has been called a fluke for years, but is now widely acknowledged as one the worlds most eminent business executives and an unrivalled visionary. He has changed millions of lives by making technology easy-to-use, exciting and beautiful.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ And you know what the best part is? Hes not done yet. Source: The Business Library (No Date). Great Entrepreneurs: Steve Jobs Apple Founder [Online] Available at: (Accessed 5th April 2011)
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Lord Of The Flies - Analyzing :: essays research papers
Ralph, the first character introduced to the audience, is probably the most likable character in the entire story. Although he does not ponder such deeply like Piggy, is not as spiritual like Simon, or as energetic as Jack, there is something in him that attracts the audience. Ralph serves as the protagonist of the story. He is described as being a playful, innocent child in the beginning, but towards the end he matures significantly. In the first chapter where he takes his clothes off and goes swimming like any child would do, he seems to be Adam in the Garden of Eden, a child left to play with the nature. However, as the plot progresses, Ralph faces both internal and external conflicts; from those conflicts he greatly matures. Ralph always has the strong belief that all the children will be saved from the island sooner or later; he is so sure that he even insists that they should have fire at all times to signal. However, when the boys abandon the fire which is symbolic of Ralph’s hope of getting saved, Ralph faces an internal conflict that makes him fear about their future; perhaps they will not be rescued at all. By insisting that the children should keep the fire going, he creates an external conflict with Jack whose values are different. Jack is enjoying life as a leader of the savages, and he fears that fire will possibly end his authoritarian rule over the savages. Both conflicts are resolved when Ralph finally meets the naval officer. Ralph is one of the few boys who realize that the only way to survive is through peace and order. Because he summons the boys at the beginning of the novel with the conch he and Piggy find, they look upon him as the most responsible of the boys and elect him as a chief over the humiliated Jack. Ralph creates a stable and peaceful society for the children to live; this significantly bothers Jack because he wants to have fun and do things that he never did back in the civilized society. Jack is eventually successful of pulling nearly all of the children out of Ralph’s control to form savages. Ralph represents the civilization, and Jack represents the primitive society. Moreover, Ralph is Golding’s symbolic method of democracy. To the audience, Ralph seems like Franklin D. Roosevelt during the World War IIâ€â€he was certainly capable of stopping the World War II from breaking out, but he could not force anybody thus letting the War break out.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Vivisection: Is it for you? Essay -- Animal Testing Papers
Vivisection: Is it for you? Animal Research has become a heated debate over the past few decades, reaching a high point around the end of the twentieth century yet it still continues through today. There are two main ways to look at this topic: the logos pro side and the pathos anti side. Those who are for animal testing realize the amazing benefits that can come out of such research while those against animal testing stand up for animals’ rights and try to find ways to better such research without killing so many innocent, defenseless animals. While both sides seem to carry their argument well, those against animal testing ruin their ethos by making their argument an emotional one while those who are for animal testing build their ethos by giving logical reasoning for testing animals. Exploring both sides deeper should help provide a clear stance for each one. Those who stand behind animal testing usually tend to be groups of scientists as well as animal testing companies. One such company, Huntingdon, argues that animal testing is a necessary evil. While nobody enjoys killing animals, Huntingdon suggests it is necessary by showing us that millions of people have been saved through various operations that would not have been able to have been preformed if it had not been for animal testing. On one if its web pages, Huntingdon stated: [H]ere is a list of the average number of operations performed in the UK in a year: 3,000,000 operations under general [anesthetic], 90,000 cataract operations, 60,000 joint replacements, 13,000 coronary bypasses, 10,000 pacemakers implanted, 6,000 heart valve repairs or replacements, 4,000 heart defects corrected, 2,500 corneal transplants, 2,000 kidney transplants, 400 heart/lu... ...mbine our ideas and use computer simulations when possible and animal testing only when necessary, miracles can happen. Works Cited Michael, Mike. â€Å"Views From Behind the Barricade: Animal Rights Campaigners Have Left Researchers Feeling Under Siege.†New Scientist 134 (4 April 1992) Online. Expanded Academic Index. Article Number: A12410157. Sandler, Jessica. â€Å"PETA Says No to Testing.†Earth Island Journal 17.3 (Autumn 2002) Online. Expanded Academic Index. Article Number: A89392654. Lewis, David. â€Å"Molecular Modeling as an Alternative to Animal Testing.†Manufacturing Chemist 63.12 (December 1992) Online. Expanded Academic Index. Article Number: A13522944. Huntingdon Life Sciences: Working for a better future: The benefits of animals in scientific research. 31 March 2003. . Vivisection: Is it for you? Essay -- Animal Testing Papers Vivisection: Is it for you? Animal Research has become a heated debate over the past few decades, reaching a high point around the end of the twentieth century yet it still continues through today. There are two main ways to look at this topic: the logos pro side and the pathos anti side. Those who are for animal testing realize the amazing benefits that can come out of such research while those against animal testing stand up for animals’ rights and try to find ways to better such research without killing so many innocent, defenseless animals. While both sides seem to carry their argument well, those against animal testing ruin their ethos by making their argument an emotional one while those who are for animal testing build their ethos by giving logical reasoning for testing animals. Exploring both sides deeper should help provide a clear stance for each one. Those who stand behind animal testing usually tend to be groups of scientists as well as animal testing companies. One such company, Huntingdon, argues that animal testing is a necessary evil. While nobody enjoys killing animals, Huntingdon suggests it is necessary by showing us that millions of people have been saved through various operations that would not have been able to have been preformed if it had not been for animal testing. On one if its web pages, Huntingdon stated: [H]ere is a list of the average number of operations performed in the UK in a year: 3,000,000 operations under general [anesthetic], 90,000 cataract operations, 60,000 joint replacements, 13,000 coronary bypasses, 10,000 pacemakers implanted, 6,000 heart valve repairs or replacements, 4,000 heart defects corrected, 2,500 corneal transplants, 2,000 kidney transplants, 400 heart/lu... ...mbine our ideas and use computer simulations when possible and animal testing only when necessary, miracles can happen. Works Cited Michael, Mike. â€Å"Views From Behind the Barricade: Animal Rights Campaigners Have Left Researchers Feeling Under Siege.†New Scientist 134 (4 April 1992) Online. Expanded Academic Index. Article Number: A12410157. Sandler, Jessica. â€Å"PETA Says No to Testing.†Earth Island Journal 17.3 (Autumn 2002) Online. Expanded Academic Index. Article Number: A89392654. Lewis, David. â€Å"Molecular Modeling as an Alternative to Animal Testing.†Manufacturing Chemist 63.12 (December 1992) Online. Expanded Academic Index. Article Number: A13522944. Huntingdon Life Sciences: Working for a better future: The benefits of animals in scientific research. 31 March 2003. .
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Essay --
In the world of animals, those at the top of a dominance hierarchy are more beneficial than low-ranking animals1. However, the costs associated with being at the top of a hierarchy remain controversial1. Different studies reported contradictory findings on whether dominant or subordinate animals experienced greater stress levels2-3. Furthermore, Sapolsky4-5 suggested that hierarchy stability could potentially influence the stress levels experienced by high-ranking olive baboons. Given the results from previous literatures, Gesquiere et al.1 created a research question asking how do male savannah baboons (Papio cynocephalus) respond to rank-related stress during stable and unstable hierarchy? They hypothesized that high-ranking males would exhibit higher levels of testosterone and glucocorticoid only when a hierarchy was unstable1. From this hypothesis, they predicted that during the month with unstable hierarchy, the high-ranking male savannah baboons would exhibit greater fecal testosterone (fT) and fecal glucocorticoid (fGC) levels than other males within the hierarchy; however, such phenomenon would not be observed during the month with a stable hierarchy1. To test this prediction, they conducted a long-term study on wild savannah baboons in Amboseli, Kenya1. Over a 9-year period, ecological, behavioral and physiological data including fT and fGC were collected monthly from 125 adult males1. General linear mixed models (GLMMs) were used to predict the de pendent variables, fT and fGC, based on predictor variables including individual rank, hierarchy stability, and an interaction between the two1. Gesquiere et al.1 defined a stable hierarchy as the month when the males with the highest 3 ranking were the same as those in the p... ...nction9. However, a parasitic load in an individual was not only associated the individual immune function but also with how likely it is exposed to the infectious agents9. Hence, parasitic load would not be an accurate indicator of individual immune function9. In contrast, leukocyte count, which was used in another study to investigate immune function, could serve as a better indicator than parasitic load10. In conclusion, going beyond the study conducted by Gesquiere et al., the proposed experiment is significant because it can provide more insights into whether or not suppressed immune function is another potential cost for being at the top of the dominance hierarchy. Also, using leukocyte count as an indicator of immune function instead of parasitic load, the proposed experiment can further elucidate the contradicting findings reported by different literatures. Essay -- In the world of animals, those at the top of a dominance hierarchy are more beneficial than low-ranking animals1. However, the costs associated with being at the top of a hierarchy remain controversial1. Different studies reported contradictory findings on whether dominant or subordinate animals experienced greater stress levels2-3. Furthermore, Sapolsky4-5 suggested that hierarchy stability could potentially influence the stress levels experienced by high-ranking olive baboons. Given the results from previous literatures, Gesquiere et al.1 created a research question asking how do male savannah baboons (Papio cynocephalus) respond to rank-related stress during stable and unstable hierarchy? They hypothesized that high-ranking males would exhibit higher levels of testosterone and glucocorticoid only when a hierarchy was unstable1. From this hypothesis, they predicted that during the month with unstable hierarchy, the high-ranking male savannah baboons would exhibit greater fecal testosterone (fT) and fecal glucocorticoid (fGC) levels than other males within the hierarchy; however, such phenomenon would not be observed during the month with a stable hierarchy1. To test this prediction, they conducted a long-term study on wild savannah baboons in Amboseli, Kenya1. Over a 9-year period, ecological, behavioral and physiological data including fT and fGC were collected monthly from 125 adult males1. General linear mixed models (GLMMs) were used to predict the de pendent variables, fT and fGC, based on predictor variables including individual rank, hierarchy stability, and an interaction between the two1. Gesquiere et al.1 defined a stable hierarchy as the month when the males with the highest 3 ranking were the same as those in the p... ...nction9. However, a parasitic load in an individual was not only associated the individual immune function but also with how likely it is exposed to the infectious agents9. Hence, parasitic load would not be an accurate indicator of individual immune function9. In contrast, leukocyte count, which was used in another study to investigate immune function, could serve as a better indicator than parasitic load10. In conclusion, going beyond the study conducted by Gesquiere et al., the proposed experiment is significant because it can provide more insights into whether or not suppressed immune function is another potential cost for being at the top of the dominance hierarchy. Also, using leukocyte count as an indicator of immune function instead of parasitic load, the proposed experiment can further elucidate the contradicting findings reported by different literatures.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Jasper Jones Essay Essay
Introduction Although fiction texts are simply narratives, they can also reflect a particular time and place. The novel Jasper Jones written by Craig Silvey follows the character of Charlie, the thirteen year old protagonist, who is forced to rethink his traditional notions of right and wrong, through his friendship with Jasper Jones. The novel highlights Australia’s attitudes towards foreigners and Indigenous people. The small country town held strong beliefs about the value of sport but also the lack of education. Jasper Jones is marginalised in society due to his indigenous background causing him to be the first to be blamed for any matters of trouble. In the novel Jasper Jones written by Craig Silvey the dominant beliefs of society and racist attitudes towards indigenous people are reflected. ‘He’s the first to be blamed for all manner of trouble.’ As Jasper is indigenous he is being stereotyped as being a troublemaker. This puts the reader in a position to picture him as exactly that and might cause Jasper to act up like that. The readers consider Jasper to be questionable and unreliable. The town’s pre judgements of Jasper and his bad reputation cause him to be blamed for crimes he often does not commit. ‘Jasper jones is right. Of course this town will blame him.’ Through Charlie’s narrative point of view we are given an insight in to what his thoughts on this issue are. Of course the town will immediately assume the death of Laura was him. Jasper is being judged unfairly. Readers are put in a position to understand the town are hypocritical and judgemental of Jasper even though he has done nothing wrong. The town hold these assumptions based on his Indigenous background. The white dominated small country town in Australia highlights the lack of value placed on multiculturalism as shown through the treatment of the Lu family. In the novel Jasper Jones written by Craig Silvey the mistreatment of foreign cultures is evident in Australia 1960’s. ‘But Sue Findlay hadn’t finished. Jabbing her finger, she screeched the most horrible words, the nastiest things imaginable, her voice uneven with tears, her eyes crazy.’ During the time the book was published the Vietnam was happening and many Australians had been sent over to fight. Sue Findlay has been used as a representative of the town as Mrs Lu is picked on and marginalised by the town. Sue is blaming Mrs Lu for the conscription of her son in the Vietnam War, as she was Vietnamese. It focuses on the issues of racism present in Australia society during the 1960’s. ‘I can hear them shouting: Red rat! Fucking red rat!’ These extremely racist and derogatory comments made about the Lu family reflect the racists attitudes held by the citizens of Australian during the 1960’s.the towns’ people were very abusive and did not accept any success associated with the Lu family very well. It clearly shows their lack of value placed on multiculturalism and respect towards others. Australia had a very critical attitude towards foreigners. The small Australian country town represents the dominant beliefs of 1950’s Australia regarding masculinity and sporting ability. In the novel Jasper Jones by Craig Silvey highlights the social issues associated with sport and culture. Charlies’ lack of sporting ability makes him a minority and highlights the value of being good at sport and also the lack of value towards academic achievement. ‘I’m lousy at sport, and better than most at school, which garners me only ire in the classroom and resentment when report cards are issued.’ Charlie is picked on at school merely for his intelligence. Charlie receives goods grades and is intellectual rather than athletic. In the town of Corrigan where sporting ability is highly valued he is somewhat viewed as an outsider. Sport is the social currency. Their hierarchy based on their skill with a ball. ‘They’ll surround him and scruff at his hair in celebration, they’ll applaud and pat his arse, but once the game is over, the pattern returns.’ Jasper although is looked down upon due to his Indigenous background is viewed as any other normal person during a game of football. It is evident that in the Australian 1960’s, the society held the value of sport higher rather than their views on Jasper and his background and their racist attitudes.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Mesopotamia vs Egypt
Mesopotamia vs. Egypt A civilization is a society in advanced state of social development. Mesopotamia and Egypt are some of the oldest civilizations on history. One of the most important steps taken for a civilization to occur was the agricultural revolution. This was when man stopped being nomadic and begun to settle down permanently or for long periods of time in one specific area and began living off the lands and raising animals, this as we know is known as the agricultural revolution. Other steps that helped towards the occurrence of civilizations were suitable geographical locations.They needed a reliable water and food source and sometimes good areas for defense or they built their own. The geographical location of both Mesopotamia and Egypt were very important to its success. Both Egypt and Mesopotamia were both located around a river. Not only that both their fertile land was caused because of the rivers, but the difference is that Mesopotamia was located in an area of land between two rivers which caused the land between the rivers to become fertile where as Egypt was located around a river and because of its seasonal flooding fertile soil was dumped onto the backs of the river; perfect for planting crops.The big difference between Mesopotamia and Egypt was that Egypt had excellent natural defense because of its sea to the north, deserts to the east and west, and rapid and mountains to the south. Whereas Mesopotamia had flat land all around the resulting in no natural defense what so ever. Egypt and Mesopotamia both had similar religions. Both societies believe in many gods for example the sun god, river god, fire god and so on. So both civilizations were polytheistic. In the case of Egypt, there were supreme gods such as the sun god Ra, Amon, and Osiris.Each male god had a female goddess consort. Osiris, the god of the dead and of fertility, was married to Isis, the goddess of magic and love. They had a son, named Horus. The Mesopotamian cultures ha d religions that had many gods and goddesses as well. Male and female divinities, gods and goddesses of war. Ishtar is a major divinity in Mesopotamian religions. Another similarity between the major culture areas religions is that their gods and goddesses often have a human form, and an animal form.When talking about warfare and the wheel the cities of Mesopotamia were walled, to protect themselves from conquest from their neighbors. Warfare developed and became more sophisticated in Mesopotamia. The wheel was developed in Mesopotamia, but the Egyptians never invented it! The Hyksos, who invaded Egypt about 1750 BC, introduced both the wheel and the horse, in the form of the chariot. Egypt developed rather late in terms of the art of war. I conclude that Mesopotamia both have similarities and differences but ultimately affect the way we live today.Thanks to the ideas and trial and error of the ancient civilizations we can live the life we have today. For example, Mesopotamia invent ed the wheel. Thanks to them we have things such as bikes, cars, trains, airplanes, wheel-barrels and much more. Also, the Hebrew religion was created tens of thousands of years ago and affects many religions today such as Christianity. So I conclude that both Egypt and Mesopotamia played a major role in the development of society and civilization today.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Why would you carry a dead body on your back?
Would you like it if someone killed you just so they could wear your skin? Would you like to be somebody else's jacket or shoe or handbag? No. So why not say no to cruelty that targets animals just because they cannot say â€Å"no†? Animals shouldn't have to die just because people want their fur. Have you ever seen a pup that's skinned alive? Probably not, but I've seen it. Since then I can't sleep well. Nowadays, when I look at my two year old son, I think the same thing: How would I feel if any creature that was vastly superior to human being was doing the same thing to him. This is my nightmare. Is it possible to understand how a human being kills an animal that can look into the eyes of its killer in full of pain? Read this â€Å"The Secrets of Haiti’s Living Dead†I believe many of you may wish to wear fur because it looks posh and elegant. Especially, when you are young you may not be paying attention to the things happening around you. Therefore; I would like you to imagine that someone has just killed you so they could wear your skin to look nice and feel warm. Now can you try to explain how the feeling was: What is pleasant to get killed because someone wants to wear your skin? Of course, there is no such a word describes this horror. I am sure you all who read this article think that â€Å"This horrible slaughter has to stop.†Having made this clear, let's consider and analyze the following scenario: A conceited young woman who is following the latest fashion wants to buy a new jacket made from animal skin, and human skin is in fashion for this year. A process has to be made, before the jacket reaches her wardrobe. A mighty corporation who specializes on human skin takes you into captivity. They place you in a twenty squared meters cell along with a hundred others. You don't get too much treatment. In fact you don't get any. You are being fed up just enough to survive and you are learning how to swim in a lake full of yours and others wastes. Hardly surviving, comes the day where some of the workers drag you out of the cell in order to skin you alive. Despite your loud cries, you are left skinless and thrown away to suffer a slow painful death. Consider for a moment all your feelings that would be resulted from the above scenario. Now pay attention because every single year 56 million animals killed for their fur worldwide. Let us look now at the other facts; * China is one of the world's largest suppliers. * Europe by itself is responsible for 70% of the fur breed. * In a year, more than 2 million cats and hundreds of thousands of dogs and seals are killed for their fur in the world. * The British government has banned fur farming in England and Wales in November 2000. * However, animals continue to be killed in many parts of the world. * The main reason of this is trade. * It takes as many as 40 animals just to make 1 fur coat, including coyotes, bobcats, lynxes, opossums, nutria, beavers, muskrats, otters, foxes, minks, bunnies, seals and raccoons. * Animals are often gassed, anally or genitally electrocuted, or poisoned, or their necks are broken. These methods are not always effective: some animals wake up while the skin is being torn off their bodies. * On fur farms, inquisitive and normally free-roaming animals such as foxes, minks and chinchillas spend their entire lives confined to tiny, filthy wire cages. There is a connection between who and what you are and what you make of yourself as a creature and the way in which you treat other living creatures, saying no to cruelty to animals and fur trade is to get closer to humanization again. Furthermore, many celebrities are against fur, such as; Michelle Obama, Charlize Theron, Twiggy Lawson, Sarah Jessica Parker, Pamela Anderson, Pink †¦ and so on. Some of them had very nice messages in their interview, for instance, Pink said â€Å"I've always felt that animals are the purest spirits in the world. They don't fake or hide their feelings and they are the most loyal creatures on the Earth. And somehow we humans think we are smarter- what a joke.†Animals are not ours to wear, walk on or carry our possessions in. Before animal skins reach store shelves, animals live a life of misery, pain, boredom and fear, and many are skinned alive. They suffer so much pain just so people can ‘try' to look all pretty and classy. I don't think its classy wearing fur and skin when you know what these poor animals have to go through for you to wear skin or fur! What are your feelings on this and why do you believe the way you do? Skinning animals can be characterized only as cruel and brutal. Well, we are not living in pre-historic age -when we needed- to have to kill animals to get dressed. Hence, people will not suffer from cold, as we have so many materials to wear for any kind of temperature. There is no reason to wear fur, except one which is â€Å"vanity†. These people who have a false sense of what fashion is want to be different from other people. However, it is only their ignorance that makes them stand out from others. We humans may be smarter than any other creatures in the world; however, I also think that we could be the most dangerous human beings on the earth who can kill animals for people to look stylish. How can someone do this to poor and helpless creatures? It is unbelievable. If you cannot stand seeing the violence with your own eyes, do not wear fur as clothes. There is an organization which is called â€Å"PETA†and their aim is to stop animal cruelty. They need your support. Please, right now rush your online donation generously and push everyone to do the same thing genuinely. Together, let's save more animals from slaughtered. It's time that fur in fashion went the way of the crop-top and the hair scrunchie: extinct. Do not forget, wearing fur means that you are the mutual of that savageness. We would like to see showcases get bloodless, what about you?
A Strategy To Align Organization And Environment Essay
This paper analyzes the term ‘strategic fit’ exactly means, types of strategic fit, necessities to focus on strategic fit, and most importantly how well an organization can align its resources & capabilities with the opportunities that exist in the external environment so as to achieve peak performance in the business. Strategy of Nestle as an example to discuss how far it is true that effective strategic fit ensures organization’s resources & capabilities and what the environment exactly needs from it. Key Words Strategic, Fit, Strategy, Resource, Capabilities, Opportunities, Environment, Business Introduction It should be recognized that any strategy or management style is appropriate only in a particular set of circumstances. Strategic fit enables an organization to operate in its particular competitive situation at peak effectiveness. It expresses the degree to which an organization is matching its resources and capabilities with the opportunities in the external environment. The matching takes place through strategy and it is therefore vital that the company have the actual resources and capabilities to execute and support the strategy. Meaning of Strategic Fit The contingency theorist’s argument that performance outcomes are maximized when a firm achieves an alignment or â€Å"fit†between a firm’s external environment, its internal factors and its strategy has been well established in the literature (Burns & Stalker 1967; Lawrence & Lorsch 1967; Keats & Hitt, 1988). Nadler and Tushman (1979) theorized that the greater the total degree of congruence or fit between the various components, the more effective will be the organization, leading to higher levels of goal attainment, utilization of resources, and adaptation. Need for Strategic Fit Strategic fit is a quest to align the organization’s operation with the needs of the market. It also involves identification of the opportunities and the action to capitalize on the opportunities. Strategic fit can be used actively to evaluate the current strategic situation of a company as well as opportunities such as M&A and divestitures of organizational divisions. Strategic fit is related to the Resource-based view of the firm which suggests that the key to profitability is not only through positioning and industry selection but rather through an internal focus which seeks to utilize the unique characteristics of the company’s portfolio of resources and capabilities. Resources s Capabilities A unique combination of resources and capabilities can eventually be developed into a competitive advantage which the company can profit from. However, it is important to differentiate between resources and capabilities. Resources relate to the inputs to production owned by the company, whereas capabilities describe the accumulation of learning the company possesses. Types of Resources Resources can be classified as tangible resources and intangible resources. Tangible Resources The term tangible means capable of being touched, real or actual, rather than imaginary or visionary, definite; not vague or elusive, having actual physical existence, as real estate or chattels, and therefore capable of being assigned a value in monetary terms. Financial (Cash, securities) †¢ Physical (Location, plant, machinery) are some of the tangible resources Intangible Resources Resources that are not physical in nature are said to be Intangible resources. Corporate intellectual property (items such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, business methodologies), goodwill and brand recognition are all common intangible resources in business point of view. An intangible resource can be classified as either indefinite o r definite depending on the specifics of that resource. A company brand name is considered to be an indefinite resource, as it stays with the company as long as the company continues operations. However, if a company enters a legal agreement to operate under another company’s patent, with no plans of extending the agreement, it would have a limited life and would be classified as a definite resource. †¢ Technology (Patents, copyrights) †¢ Human resources †¢ Reputation (Brands) †¢ Culture, are some of the intangible resources. Capabilities Capabilities are what a firm does, and represents the firm’s capacity to deploy resources that have been purposely integrated to achieve the desired end state. Capabilities become important when they are combined in unique combinations which create core competencies which have strategic value and can lead to competitive advantage. Capabilities needed for strategic fit are 1. Coordination 2. Commitment 3. Competence (technology, management and leadership) 4. Communication 5. Creativity 6. Capacity management (allocation of resources) Benefits of Strategic Fit The extent to which the activities of a single organization or of organizations working in partnership complement each other in such a way as to contribute to competitive advantage. The benefits of good strategic fit include cost reduction, due to economies of scale, and the transfer of knowledge and skills (technological expertise, managerial know how), use of common brand name. The success of a merger, joint venture, or strategic alliance may be affected by the degree of strategic fit between the organizations involved. Similarly, the strategic fit of one organization with another is often a factor in decisions about acquisitions, mergers, diversification, or divestment. Types of Strategic Fit 1. Market related fit 2. Operating fit 3. Management fit Market Related Fit Market related fit arises when value chains of different businesses overlap so that the products can be used by same customers, marketed and promoted in similar ways, distributed through common dealers and retailers.
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