Monday, September 30, 2019
Did Korea Succeeded in the Three Invasions from 108 B.C. to 1231 A.D.?
Korea is strategically located among its allies and enemies, and it is a sad fate that this nation not only invaded and slaughtered was even divided in two. Two brothers believeth in truth but view these principles differently. One belongs to the other, as if in the movie Predator when it was said that: â€Å"The enemy of your enemy is also your friend†. The ROK was formed in the North and The South became a Republic (Readings). In short, despite of the peace being enjoyed by its citizenry; â€Å"factions remained because of groups being formed such as, Communist vs. Industrialist, pro-China, Conservatives vs. Liberals due to cold war politics and internal divisions among themselves (Readings). †The decline of the Han dynasty (the rule of the Chinese) started the beginnings of three rival kingdoms, the Koguryo on the northeast of China, the Paekche on the southwest, and Shilla on the Southeast (Readings). Despite unification moves was attempted in its enti re history, the northern part or the Nangnang (Lolang) remained a socialist and the southern part democratic was an end result of the unification of Paekche and Shilla to which better known to the world today as Seoul.After the Hans the Mongols came, during those invasions the Koreans suffered so greatly that they even accounted this period with the Mongols to the Japanese period the Dark Age in their history. Koreans in the long history of factions among themselves retained its culture, language, and faith. However, these are the same people who have an open mind that was able to embrace other belief like the Catholic Religion and adjusted amicably with the modern culture.They are people who have survived so many wars, which turned its cities into devastation and poverty but were able to retain its own uniqueness despite of so many foreign invasions. The Koreans, in their own rights succeeded in their quest for their own beliefs and freedom not only because they were hard survivors but because they have been gifted with valiant men and women, from which is the offspring of a good stock their origins are made of.The success in nation building cannot be seen overnight, it has to passed through the test of time just like forging gold from a nuggets of other metals. This could have probably happened in the history of Korea which was clearly seen during the time of Yi Dynasty until the time of King Sae Jong thru the time of General Yi to Admiral Yi, and Yu Kwan-soon (Association). However, Koreans failure may not be seen in terms of its economic position today since it is regarded as one of the four dragons of the Southeast Asian economy but for the reason that they are divided in two.The division may be called providence probably for the reason that it is to create a balance of which some has already foreseen, that the north will be the pivotal point to which will determine the stability of East Asia and north Pacific Rim. The South however, have shown to the wor ld that it has recovered so fast, that it became a leader on economic recovery after a decade of crises that was undergone by the rest of other Asian region. Succeeding is not just to be seen in economic statistics and armaments, but more so on how its people as a country have survived.Though these two siblings may have separated, history or destiny may have reasons why it is so. Separately in each field both have succeeded, but only until they have ensured that another invasion would not follow and as for the moment, hoping they will no longer keep repeating their history. Since 1953, all hostilities ended (Readings). Hopefully that the ceasefire will truly be the end of all factions, and may these neighboring nations eventually learned that strength is not found in violence but on strong hearts that is willing to undergo reforms and forgiveness.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Primary Stakeholders of Google Inc Essay
Introduction The American multinational enterprise, Google Inc., predominately leading the globe in internet services and products. They provide online advertising technologies, search engine, cloud storage, applications and other software. Their customers are advertising agencies and large businesses who pay to be exposed on the many free services Google offers to internet consumers. The largest shareholders Brin Sergey and Larry Page, founded Google while attending Stanford University. Google is the most universally used internet search engine, which allows them to gather interests and information about the consumers using their free services. Advertisers spend billions to strategically place their ads through Google because the free Google services accumulates personal interests and information needed to identify consumer demographics on the internet. In recent years the government and general public have raised concern about consumer privacy, as well as, the monopolistic presence in the internet market. Their shareholders are predominately internal making any external influence to the company improbable. Google employees are carefully selected and generally consist of newly graduated software geniuses; recently the media has criticized Google for the majority of their employees being Caucasian and Asian males. Google Inc. has a responsibility to manage its operations to maximize shareholders profits, but how well does it treat the other four primary stakeholders: the government, employees, customers, and general public. (Google, n.d.) Government Google has gained the government’s attention through multiple investigations over the years. In 2011, Google government officials from Europe joined the United States Congress to bring antitrust investigations against the Company. The next year in 2012, the Federal Trade Commission, FTC, conducted an investigation to gather evidence suggesting Google is a monopoly. Apple competes through SIRI and the app store as alternative search methods to Google. Amazon holds the lead in product searches and Facebook is commonly used to search for trusted customer reviews by friends. The FTC was unsuccessful in proving their monopoly case and Google still dominates the internet/ computer market easily eliminating any start up competition. The Google business model makes sure no shareholder has a vote that could significantly impact the company, but the way media, government, and the majority of web users, interpret their activity could influence the company’s objectives. The FTC government agency has the influential power to investigate and bring media attention to the topic of Google’s seemingly unfair advantage in their market (Singer, 2012). Customers Approximately 99% of Google’s revenues are derived from businesses advertising on the free services it provides users. In Google’s system many advertisers bid on keywords. Popular keywords like â€Å"Miami Florida†are sold for much higher â€Å"value-per-click†than other less popular search topics. This revenue method allows Google to attract both large corporations and small business to place advertisements. The free services provided for Google users has destroyed markets. Decreasing the demand for products/ services like GPS, road atlas, and current traffic status by allowing the free anytime access to Google Maps. Google distracts its users with free services that make their life easier when Googles actual intent is selling individual attention and information about the users to advertisers. Google users are the product and not the customer. Through Google user’s searches and personal information like passwords saved in google chrome or contacts from gmail accounts, Google can deliver a product to advertisers tailored to their exact needs; people looking for shoes are delivered to shoe sellers, and people located in a certain town are delivered to local restaurants (Newman, 2011). Shareholders Google Inc. is a huge company owning 66 percent of its shares leaving 34 percent of the company owned by external shareholders. Founder Brin Sergey owns the largest amount of shares by an Individual at 21.8 million shares. There are less than five major external shareholders are institutions such as, FMR LLC, Vanguard Group INC, State Street Corp, Price T Rowe Associates INC, and Barclays Global Investors UK Holdings LTD. Unlike Microsoft, Intel, and Apple; Google does not give cash back to its shareholders. Amazon and Facebook also do not yield cash dividends, but they are not as large, mature or as profitable as Google. If Google wanted to increase its shares a capital return program could be attractive to new investors. The cost of Google offer such a program would mean applying a payout of about 1.5 to 2.5 percent to compete with its peers. Google has three classes of shares: Class A gets one vote per share, Class B gets 10 votes per share, while Class C receives no voting privileges. Class B shares are only held by company insiders so Brin Sergey, Larry Page, and Eric Schmidt own 92.5 percent of these shares, thus the majority vote (Niu, 2015). Employees Google is universally acclaimed as a great place to work. Its stock has soared 674% since its inception in August 2004. Their offices abound with areas designed to promote interaction, like a bowling alley in the California office or a pub lounge in the Ireland office. The search engine company provides its employees with a great health plan, legal aid, travel assistance, and a college reimbursement plan. If an employee dies, Google will continue to pay 50% of the deceased’s salary to his or her family for a decade (keep in mind they higher new graduates with an expected long life ahead of them). The California headquarters lobby is decorated with lava lamps, a piano, and search query projections posted on the wall. There are colorful fun exercise balls and bicycles for physical fitness in the hallways. Google receives 3 million applications annually and only higher about 0.2%, statistically Ivy League schools have a higher acceptance rate than Google. Engineers make up the majority of Googles employees and their salaries range from $ 100 thousand to $ 200 thousand. Engineering interns make approximately $ 7 thousand monthly (Unknown, 2014). Over all Google is more than generous when it comes to the treatment of their employees and promotes job low turnover (Waggoner, 2013). General Public According to Forbes magazine in 2013 four companies tied for first in corporate social responsibility: Microsoft, The Walt Disney Company, Google and BMW (Smith, 2013). Google has gained its popularity though the free services it provides all Google users. They have about $62.3 billion in cash and even after subtracting out its long and short term debt it has $57.2 billion. The majority of its profits, $41.8 billion, are held in foreign subsidiaries for tax avoidance. Being a technology based company, replacing hardcopies with electronic documents saves the company money as well as the preservation of the environment. Therefore google can brag about its efforts to achieve â€Å"green†status whether they are simply eliminating supply costs or have a general concern for the environment. Google has minimized the environmental impact of their services. Their carbon footprint is practically zero, but it doesn’t need an access amount of environmental resources (Google, 2015). Conclusion Google is a young, expanding, and profitable company. The government is concerned and continually investigating Google because of its controversial monopoly in the search engine market and antitrust based on the selling of user information. The general public and government should be concerned that Google invests approximately two –thirds of its cash overseas to avoid tax laws in the United States. The advertisement customers that Google provides as their revenue generating services are given information tailored to view ads strategically and that makes Google more successful than other internet marketing company. The shareholders of Google are mostly internal owners; no capital return programs have been established and all impacting votes are controlled by the internal shareholders only. The employees are treated extremely well compared to companies across the globe. Google will continue to grow based on its business plan, which brilliantly manipulates the general public users into thinking they are getting services for free while they make billions by selling adverting companies the information they want without breaking any laws. Google could treat the general public and government stakeholders better by improving user privacy and cease avoiding taxes. Bibliography Google. (n.d.). Retrieved from Google. (2015, 3). The Big Picture. Retrieved from Google: Newman, N. (2011, May 29). You’re Not Google’s Customer. Retrieved from The Blog:
Saturday, September 28, 2019
The Journal of Social Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
The Journal of Social Psychology - Essay Example Also, people are more likely to notice consistent feedback more than inconsistent feedback and to interpret ambiguous feedback as consistent with their own self-conceptions. However, sometimes people receive self-inconsistent feedback. According to Self-Verification Theory (Swann 1987, as cited by Collins and Stukas), people are likely to reject such feedback. Nevertheless, there are some situations in which self-change is promoted and self-inconsistent feedback is meant to be taken seriously and scrutinized. In particular, the therapeutic clinic is a context for such change, which is often set in motion by the delivery of self-inconsistent feedback. However, Self-Verification Theory had already demonstrated that people in need of therapeutic change (e.g., depressed people) may show a preference for negative (self-consistent) feedback over positive (self-inconsistent) feedback. Indeed, in the setting of therapy, clients may be more willing to accept self-inconsistent feedback, althou gh other factors--such as therapists' statuses and clients' attitudes toward therapy--may moderate acceptance. This is why Collins and Stukas (2006) tried to study the effects of experimentally manipulated personality feedback that they--in the guise of therapists--e-mailed to participants on the degree of their acceptance of the feedback. Consistent with Self-Verification Theory (Swann, 1987), participants accepted feedback that was consistent with their self-views more readily than they did feedback that was inconsistent with their self-views. What they did was to randomly assign participants in receiving self-inconsistent or self-consistent feedback, and they simply returned their evaluations of the feedback to us by e-mail. Collins and Stukas (June 2006) hypothesized that (a) participants would be more willing to accept self-consistent feedback than self-inconsistent feedback, (b) participants would be more willing to accept self-inconsistent feedback from a high-status therapist than from a low-status therapist, and (c) participants with positive attitudes toward therapy would be more w illing to accept self-inconsistent feedback than would participants with negative attitudes toward therapy. Although Collins and Stukas (June, 2006) obtained results that are consistent with past researches, the thing is that they chose a very minimal operationalization of the therapeutic context, one that allowed us to manipulate both therapist status and feedback without concern for the potential influence of other variables that are normally found in this setting (e.g., dynamics of an actual interaction, appearance of the therapist and therapist's office, actual psychopathology of the clients). They also used a very short measure to assess participants' self-concepts. This reductionistic approach worked well from both a practical standpoint and an ethical one, but doing research in the real setting might prove more difficult. This research from Collins and Stukas (June 2006) might be helpful in terms of the modern methodologies used in this study. We could use similar approach in determining Self-Feedbacks by electronic mail to our respondents. Schmitt, D.P. and Allik, J. (2005, October). Simultaneous Administration of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale in 53 Nations: Exploring the Universal and Culture-Specific Features of Global Self-Esteem, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 89(4): 623-642. In Schmitt and Allik's study
Friday, September 27, 2019
Successful Develoment and Innovation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Successful Develoment and Innovation - Essay Example The teams should learn how to learn to build up effective mechanisms of functioning together, and this should be provided by a whole community, rather than individuals. The processes that influence economies of various countries demand new strategies, for instance, cooperation, that should be correctly prepared and implemented by the leaders of organization. The last decade of the XXth century created a favourable background for housing business. With economical conditions that provided for stable progress in economy, and low mortgage rates, increasing demand for buying houses in this period created a favourable condition for housing business and mortgage companies. The other important issue was that the financing those who buy homes was changed by commercial banks and loans and savings from individual mortgaging to new level of mortgage originations that become usual at the market of housing business by the end of the XXth century. According to the data provided by the experts, "At year-end 1996, mortgage banking companies held a 56 percent market share of total industry originations, compared with only a 35 percent market share in 1990. And of the estimated $809 billion in total originations in 1996, $458 billion were secondary market transactions, compared with $276 billion of secondary market transactions in 1990." (Lereah, p. 3) The housing business and ... ngs in technological sphere and narrow margins are the key issues that characterized the atmosphere at the housing market at the end of 90s and determined further development in this industry. (Doggem) While speaking about the future of this industry the specialists usually express positive views on the situation. Current conditions and economical situation are likely to provide mortgage banking firms with efficient business and households with various mortgage alternatives. The experts now speak of housing industry as of a branch of industry that now has the most favourable conditions for successful development. However, various challenges are also to be taken into consideration, and now these obstacles are clear and evident. As the experts state, "as in most mature industries, the surviving companies will be the low-cost producers, and a heavy investment in technology may help companies accomplish this objective". (Doggem) Long-tern perspective of this industry is determined mainly by the following issues: economical decays and booms, that constitute circles in world economy demographic issues advance in technology changing background of the industry regulations that are provided by the government (Doggem) As the historical perspective demonstrates, the most important factor influencing housing industry was changeable nature of interest rates. This branch of industry experiences the same stages of development as other industries: ": downturn, trough, recovery, expansion, and peak". (Doggem) Accordingly, interest rates are also determined by the process and are influenced by the same circular way of development, and all this thus affects background of various branches of industry in general and housing industry in general. It is well-known that availability of
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Swot Analysis for my writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Swot Analysis for my writing - Essay Example  My writing faces a number of weaknesses, which act as a drawback to providing quality content on most occasions. Firstly, I frequently make several spelling mistakes in my writing, with a relatively slower pace in solving the problem. Use of vocabulary has also been a weakness, as the majority of my writing lack an adequate vocabulary to match the great content I usually present. Another weak element in my writings is the use of relatively long sentences that sometimes make it difficult for the reader to fully understand my desired information. Incorrect grammar structure has always been a major drawback to my writings, which are usually attributed to engaging in writing when not of what to write. Opportunities In order to improve my areas that I am weak in my writings, I need to embark on an extensive use of various elements essential for providing excellent writing skills. Firstly, I should make more thorough use of the English dictionary. The internet is another crucial resource I should increase its use in order to achieve better skills of writing. Additionally, effectively following writings of teachers can generally improve my writings, as they provide easier and detailed guides that can positively help me out. Another helpful option that can act as an effective tool in improving my writing experience is the extensive use of the Writing Center, since its platform that aids many students to provide quality writings. Lastly, I should make more frequent consultation with our instructor while at school or online.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Alfred Chandlers Assessment of the Managerial Capitalism Literature review
Alfred Chandlers Assessment of the Managerial Capitalism - Literature review Example Chandler’s implied criticism of the organizational theories that existed had a primary place in the consequent growth of organizational theory. Despite the fact that Chandler raised an array of critical questions, his perception of organizations was assaulted from a formidable force of quarters that had a stake in the sociology of organizations. The consequent development in organizational sociology gave a basis for Chandler’s perspective critics to put a case across that discounted the fact that his ideal heroic managers were only part of the story and not the whole story as he had propagated. However, it is important to note that, Chandlers work still offers an insight into the bigger questions and issues, although his perspective with regard to the ultimate role of the organization in the economy is doubtful from the sociology of organizations point of view. There are three major perspectives of the sociology of organization in the sixties as well as the beginning of the seventies. The interest of all these strands was to discover a science of organizations. As a result of this, none of these points of view saw the difference between organizations, nonprofits as well as government bureaucracies. Moreover, there also was a discrete absence of interest in the historical emergence of corporations. A significant proportion of the sociology of organizations was primarily concentrated on Max Weber’s original formulation of the contemporary bureaucracy (). One strand of the experiential literature was characterized by a positivist inclination. Its major purpose was to discover the extent to which the corporation did or did not match with Weber’s characteristic description (Blau and Scott 1962; Hage and Aiken 1970).Â
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Attitude and Knowledge Scale Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Attitude and Knowledge Scale - Essay Example (3) ___ 29. The ability of an individual to cope with stress diminishes in old age. (4) ___ 30. All people should be required to retire at age 70. (5) ___ 31. Most aged persons resist change. (4) ___ 32. As people get old, they become more difficult to get alone with. (3) ___ 33. Older people are more nervous than younger people. (3) ___ 34. Most young people have difficult communicating with aged persons. (3) ___ 35. Many young people feel uncomfortable in the presence of the aged. (2) ___ 36. Most young people would prefer not to be around the elderly. (4) ___ 37. As a person grows older, diminishes in all activities grows. (2) ___ 38. The greatest fear of most older people is their own impending death. (2) ___ 39. In old age, illness is the constant companion of elderly persons. (4) ___ 40. Most people don't want to grow old. (3) ___ 41. Most people fear the prospect of growing old. (3) ___ 42. Most people view the elderly as burdens upon society. (2) ___ 43. When a person is young, he/she tends to look on old age as something that happens only to other people. (2) ___ 44. People in their nineties generally don't know what is going on around them. (4) ___ 45. It is best to use relatively simple language when talking to older people. (4) ___ 46. Older people tend to respond to questions more slowly than do younger people. (4) ___ 47. For most, old age is characterized by bitterness and regret. (3) ___ 48. Most older people regret many things they did during the course of their lives. (3) ___ 49. Most older people regret many things they don't do during the course of their lives. (3) ___ 50. As people grow older, they tend to be more demanding and self-centered. (3) ___ 51. The majority of elderly persons enjoy being grandparents. (4) ___...I have a balanced outlook of old age and realize that the needs of all old people may not be the same. If there are some old people who feel desolate and left out, there are also many who may have a fascinating zest for life. I believe that rather than sympathy, what old people require is empathy. All of them are unique individuals who have a very personal history of their own, and so all care should be taken to give each one of them their own personal space. It is true that they may require aid in performing many common chores of life. But this I feel should be done in such a manner which not only bolsters their self confidence (that is if they need any), but also make them feel wanted, loved and be themselves. Again, while doing this I would like to point out, that it is very natural to fall into the traditional credo that all people require sympathy and kindness. We should remember that if we are extra kind to old people, it is neither because of their subject position nor for humanitarian causes but simply because we are human beings. 2. One fact of old age is paramount. It is possibly a physical detoriation of one's health.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Visiting the museums Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Visiting the museums - Research Proposal Example Paintings and sculptures are some of the fascinating views found in the museum. All these together with creative drawings and paintings add up to more than 20, 000 collections of creative works. There are six exhibitions that are permanent in the National Portrait Gallery. It also contains sculptures and drawings of past American presidents. America’s history about the origin of Americans is presented by informed workers in the gallery. The available exhibitions normally feature the prominent people who excelled in entertainment and sports in the 20th century. The Smithsonian American Art Museum holds a large variety of American art. It is most likely the largest collection of American art globally. So many artworks dated from the seventeenth century are present in this museum. The largely inclusive visual arts in the museum present a variety of exhibits of the American history. Visitors are presented with gifts, reading materials and graphics in the stores of the museum. Most of the catalogues and books are on American art. There are millions of artistic objects associated with America’s history. It is hard for a visitor to go through all of these in one day. There are staffs who guide visitors through the museum as well as activities in which they participate in order to facilitate their learning. The museum is situated in the National Mall. This is found between the Capitol Building and the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum. It is usually open from September to June. In the museum visitors learn much about American Indian culture. The museum staffs are experienced people who took me and other visitors all over the exhibitions explaining in detail and answering questions from their audience. They offer guided tours depending on the interests of the visitors. The staffs are American Indian professionals whose experience is evident from the
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Research paper onAutism-- pathophysiology and diagnostic tests Essay
Research paper onAutism-- pathophysiology and diagnostic tests - Essay Example Autism is a life-long developmental disorder affecting as many as 1 in 500 children. The causes for this profound disorder are largely unknown (White). Several pathophysiological conditions are responsible to cause autism, and one of them is Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF). HGF is a polypeptide growth factor which acts by binding to the MET tyrosine kinase receptor. HGF influences the growth, motility and morphogenesis of various epithelial and endothelial cells and functions as a trophic factor for organ regeneration. Accumulating evidence suggest that HGF and its receptor MET play a role in neuronal cell development. First, HGF and its receptor MET are widely expressed in the developing and mature mouse brain, with expression beginning as early as embryonic day 12 (E12) and E13, respectively Second, HGF promotes the migration of cortical interneurons from the ventral to the dorsal telencephalon in rodents,and HGF-MET signaling systems are implicated in regulating the proliferation and differentiation of cerebellar granule cells. Furthermore, HGF plays a role in regulating the morphology of cortical pyramidal dendrites in the early postnatal period, and endogenous levels of HGF are necessary for the normal development of these neurons. Taken together, these findings Sugihara et al., 2007 suggested that HGF may be a candidate for mediating interneuron development in vivo. In this study, these researchers studied whether serum HGF levels in subjects with high-functioning autism are altered as compared with age-matched healthy controls. Furthermore, they also examined the relationship between serum HGF levels and clinical symptoms in subjects with autism. The findings suggested that disruption of the HGF-MET signaling systems results in complex alterations in GABAergic interneuron development in the forebrain. Taken together, it is likely that decreased HGF levels may be
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Environmental Engineering Essay Example for Free
Environmental Engineering Essay It involves waste water management and air pollution control, recycling, waste disposal, radiation protection, industrial hygiene, environmental sustainability, and public health issues as well as a knowledge of environmental engineering law. It is a related study of environmental science. Main task of environmental engineers is to protect public health by protecting (from further degradation), preserving (the present condition of), and enhancing the environment. Some work of Environmental engineers: Conducts hazardous-waste management studies to evaluate the significance of such hazards, advise on treatment and containment, and develop regulations to prevent mishaps. Design municipal water supply and industrial wastewater treatment systems. Address environmental issues such as the effects of acid rain, global warming, ozone depletion, water pollution and air pollution from automobile exhausts and industrial sources. Environmental science is an interdisciplinary academic field that integrates physical and biological sciences, (including but not limited to Ecology, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Soil Science, Geology, Atmospheric Science and Geography) to the study of the environment, and the solution of environmental problems. Environmental science provides an integrated, quantitative, and interdisciplinary approach to the study of environmental systems. Environmental science came alive as a substantive, active field of scientific investigation in the 1960s and 1970s driven by the ff. ssues: (a)  the need for a multi-disciplinary approach to analyze complex environmental problems. (b)  the arrival of substantive environmental laws requiring specific environmental protocols of investigation. (c)  the growing public awareness of a need for action in addressing environmental problems. Related areas of study: environmental studies incorporates more of the social sciences for understanding human relationships, perceptions and policies towards the environment. 2. environmental engineering focuses on design and technology for improving environmental quality. Components of Environmental Science: Ecology is the study of the interactions between organisms and their environment. Ecologists might investigate the relationship between a population of organisms and some physical characteristic of their environment, such as concentration of a chemical; or they might investigate the interaction between a two populations of different organisms through some symbiotic or competitive relationship. For example, an interdisciplinary analysis of an ecological system which is being impacted by one or more stressors might include several related environmental science fields. In an estuarine setting where a proposed industrial development could impact certain species by water and air pollution, biologists would describe the flora and fauna, chemists would analyze the transport of water pollutants to the marsh, physicists would calculate air pollution emissions and geologists would assist in understanding the marsh soils and bay muds. . Atmospheric sciences focuses on the Earths atmosphere, with an emphasis upon its interrelation to other systems. Atmospheric sciences can include studies of meteorology,greenhouse gas phenomena, atmospheric dispersion modeling of airborne contaminants,[3][4] sound propagation phenomena related to noise pollution, and even light pollution. Taking the example of the global warming phenomena, physicists create computer models of atmospheric circulation and infra-red radiation transmission, chemists examine the inventory of atmospheric chemicals and their reactions, biologists analyze the plant and animal contributions to carbon dioxide fluxes, and specialists such as meteorologists and oceanographers add additional breadth in understanding the atmospheric dynamics. 3. Environmental chemistry is the study of chemical alterations in the environment. Principal areas of study include soil contamination and water pollution. The topics of analysis include chemical degradation in the environment, multi-phase transport of chemicals (for example, evaporation of a solvent containing lake to yield solvent as an air pollutant), and chemical effects upon biota. As an example study, consider the case of a leaking solvent tank which has entered the habitat soil of an endangered species of amphibian. As a method to resolve or understand the extent of soil contamination and subsurface transport of solvent, a computer model would be implemented. Chemists would then characterize the molecular bonding of the solvent to the specific soil type, and biologists would study the impacts upon soil arthropods, plants, and ultimately pond-dwelling organisms that are the food of the endangered amphibian. 4. Geosciences include environmental geology, environmental soil science, volcanic phenomena and evolution of the Earths crust. In some classification systems this can also includehydrology, including oceanography. As an example study of soils erosion, calculations would be made of surface runoff by soil scientists. Fluvial geomorphologists would assist in examining sediment transport in overland flow. Physicists would contribute by assessing the changes in light transmission in the receiving waters. Biologists would analyze subsequent impacts to aquatic flora and fauna from increases in water turbidity. Ecology study of the interactions between organisms and their environment. starts as early as 300 BC with the Greek named Theophastus, his interest with the interrelationship between organism and the living environment, become his as the Father of Botany. Environment refers to the sum of all the external forces and conditions acting on an organism or community of organism. oekologie was coined by the german zoologist, Ernst Haeckel, comes from the greek word oikos, meaning home or a place to live in. defines as the relationship of animals both to the organic as well as the inorganic environment,            in the mid-1900’s two group of botanist, one from the Europe and America, become interested in the study of plants communities, the Europeans concentrated on the composition, structure and distribution of plant communities, on the other hand the Americans concentrate to the development of plant, eventually they become interested at the animals as well, and gave a greater emphasis on inter-relationship of animals and plants. This become the birth of ecology as the formal field of study. British economist, Thomas Malthus, gave special attention to population in the early 19th century, his the first one o recognized the conflict between expanding population and earths capability to supply it. scope of ecology, organism (eg. Proto-plasma, cell, tissue, organ, organ system), population, community, ecosystem, and biosphere. Organism: Levels of organization of life (inside the organism): Protoplasma – it makes up the living substance of the cell. Cell – basic unit of life Tissue-group of cell performing specific functions Organ- group of tissue carrying a particular functions Organ system – group of organ doing s specific function. Levels of organization of life (inside the organism): Population – group of organism of the same kind or species occupying a particular place at a particular time. Community – a group of populations occupying a given area. Ecosystem  basic unit of ecology, refers to the interaction between the organism and environment. It includes population, communities, habitat (the place where the organism lives) and the environment. eg. forest, grassland, river, etc. ) Biosphere – world of life. It is the portion of the earth where in life on its any form existed. Components of ecosystem: Biotic – they are the living components of ecosystem consisting of plants, animals and bacteria. Abiotic – they are the non living component that consist of substratum, ligh t, rainfall, nutrients, soil, temperature, etc. Biotic Components: Green plants     known as the producers. They capture the energy coming from the sun and together with the CO2 in the air and H2O converts this into food energy. They are called autotrophs (self nourishing), they manufacture their own food through the process of photosynthesis. There are also microscopic green plant called phytoplanktons, they give the green color to the bodies of water such as lake and rivers  Animals Known as the consumers. Obtain other food sources to other plants and animals they are called heterotrophs. Three types of consumers: Herbivores – that eat plants only Carnivores – animals that eat other animals. Omnivores- eat both plants and animals. Bacteria and Fungi They are called decomposers. They eat the dead bodies of plants and animals, where they get their energy and convert it to other nutrients back into the environment. They are popular called the janitor of the nature. Abiotic Components: Soil the upper layer of the earth’s crust affected by plants and animals serves as the habitat and pool of nutrients for many organism. Humus dark decaying organic substance found in the soil. Physical characteristic of soil: Color The color of the soils is influence by the element present in the soil. Soil color and element presesent: Grey (lacks of iron) Brown red (rich in iron) Texture the texture of the soil affects the amount of water and nutrients the soil can hold. Texture of the soil: Sandy (composed of coarse particles) Clay (consist of fine particles) Silt (composed of medium size particles. ) Loamy (mixture of clay, sand and silt) Moisture Water content of the soil. It is influence by factors such as: Texture Amount of rainfall Slope of the land Underlying rock type. pH The concentration of hydrogen ions on the soil. The soil which contain a large amount of lime is alkaline and with large amount of granite id acidic. pH value raging from 1-6 is acidic and 8-14 are basic while those with 7 reading is neutral type of soil. Structure Refers to the arrangement of it’s particle which build up larger amount of soil structure is called peds. The peds damage will result to the poor drainage of water to the soil. 2. Water Importance of water in ecosystem: It comprise of a large percentage of the tissues of all living organism. Required by plants to support their non woody tissues. Used by the plants as a vessel of nutrients from the soil. It is absorbed by the plant and release in the environment which produces the cooling effect. Plant adaptation to water: (Based on the tolerance of plant to water. ):                   * Hydropytes (Plants that grow in water and waterlogged soils)                   * Halophytes (Plants that grow in saline environment. )                   * Xerophytes (Plants that grow in dry or arid condition. 3. Temperature Affects the plant and cooled blooded animals by controlling their metabolism. Affect the water loss of the organism. Most organism function at temperature between 0 degree to 50 degree centigrade.. 4. Wind An agent of pollination and seed dispersal. It also affects transpiration in the plants by causing faster evaporation with in their surroundings. Pathways of energy: Energy It is needed by the organism for growth, maintenance and repair and for life. Organism obtain their energy by two ways: Autotrophy (producing their own food) Heterotrophy (eating other organism) Food Chain Consist of the sequence of organism that eat other organism through which energy is transferred. Every food chain starts a producer and end with decomposers. Trophic levels of food chain: First trophic ( producers) Second trophic (herbivores called primary consumers) Third trophic (carnivore that eat hervobores) 4th trophic (carnivores that eat carnivores) In food chain the energy transferred from one trophic level to another is decreasing. Food web Consist of several interlocking food chain. It is a transfer of energy involving several pathways. Nutrients cycle: Classification of Nutrients: Macronutrients – those that are required by organism by large quantities. Ex. Oxygen, carbon, nitrogen and hydrogen Micronutrient – are needed by the organism by smaller amounts. Ex. Sulfur, potassium, iron, and phosphorus. Water Cycles: Evaporation (from bodies of water) Respiration ( from animals) Transpiration (from the trees) Condensation (accumulation of all the vapors, transpiration and respiration) Precipitation (for rain) Runoff (water run from the higher grounds) Carbon and Oxygen cycle: Carbon is mostly present in the environment by cabon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is present at: It could be found at dead organism. Volcano eruption. Respiration of animals. Oxygen is abundant in plants transpiration, it is release in the air as a waste product and absorbed by animals. Nitrogen Cycles: Nitrogen constitutes 78% of air in the atmosphere. Plants used it as a nitrates, and nitrogen converted it by two process: The action of lightning. Process of action by specialized organism such as legumes. Communities Community Group of different kinds of organism or species living together in a particular place. Worlds Major communities: 1. Dessert Biome Bushes and shrubs for vegetation Sandy, dry and loose type of soil. Less than 10 cm of rain fall in a year. Lizards, snakes, eagles, owls, toads, insects and small
Friday, September 20, 2019
History of the North and South Korea Border Conflict
History of the North and South Korea Border Conflict In recent years, the relation between North Korea and South Korea becomes better. And in the latest news, the two parts of Korea decided to stop the conflict and sign the peace treaty. That even surprised people around the world and attracted many political criticizers from multiple nations. So what happened to make the conflict between North and South Korea become so famous? Why did Korea divide into two parts as the North and the South? How did the Korean War relate to World War II? And what did Korea do to make it become the highest security concern to the US? We all know that since the development of nations around the world, the need for expanding the territory of those countries has escalated as well. However, the region of each country is regulated by UN rules and international order. Therefore, more and more nations fight over their regions. North Korea wanted to expand its territory so started to invade South Korea’s region and created one of the most popular regional conflict, which is known as North-South Korea border dispute. The tension between North and South Korea has continuously lasted. The roots of the conflict on the Korean Peninsula started in 1945, at the end of the Second World War. Before 1945, Korea was still a part of the Empire of Japan. However, the situation started to change in August 1945. Japan’s Kwantung Army surrendered the Red Army, â€Å"The northern part of the Korean peninsula was liberated,†this statement means that at that time, only a northern part of Korea was free from Japanese Army. Two separate zones of the country were formed along the 38th parallel between USSR in the North and the US in the South. As a consequence, the two divided nations would receive supervision from the two different parties. North Korea or known as the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea got help from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), while the South was under the protection of the US. In 1947, the issue of forming the single state of Korea was mentioned in UN Co mmission on August 1948, the Republic of Korea was proclaimed. Over time, the differences of military and political regimes between two countries develop and create a massive tension. However, the conflict between the two parts of Korean Peninsula started to break out in June 1950. North Korea provoked bloody strife when Prime Minister of North Korea, Kim Il-sung decided to invade the South. There were 75000 North Korean soldiers running across the 38th, and 10,000 soldiers died daily before the war broke out. On June 25, 1950, the war happened â€Å"between US Armed Forces, along with 15 other countries under the banner of a UN multinational force fighting for South Korea, and the DPRK, backed by Chinese and Soviet troops.†which was known as the Korean War. So, what is the real reason for the bloody conflict between North and South Korea last for a half of a decade? The tension of two parts of the Korean peninsula is in the hottest stage. This battle got a lot of attention from multination around the world. Many people drew up possible hypothesizes about the factor of Korea War. However, there were still many questions remained unanswered over time. The collision was related to World War II and believed to be a part of the international power struggle between USSR and the US. In the North, Kim II Jung received the help his patrons included the Soviet Union and China. He formed his country as The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. Kim II Jung also rose up skillful political leaders who knew how to build an aura of captivating charismatic power. Therefore, the president of North Korea controlled his country by force and regulations. North Korean people could be in jail if they against these rules. They had a very limited contact with the actual world. The country constructed itself as a dictatorship nation. Additionally, North Korea tried to build a good relationship with the Soviet Union to borrow USSR’s army to expand territory. Kim II Jung desired to reunify Korea. Thus, he repeatedly asked Joseph Stalin for military permission long time before the invention, according to The Wilson Quarterly. Moreover, at that time, USSR and The US were in the state of cold war. Stalin wanted to use Korean War as a means of measuring the West’s power. The leader of Soviet Union wanted to demonstrate its aggressiveness to the world. And if there would be no resistance, Korean War would become a stepping stone for USSR to conquer the world. On the other hand, South Korea was also democratic regime with fewer regulations. Citizen vote elected Prime Minister. People had the freedom of speech and connected to the world around. South Korean at that time was allied with the US and others fifteen countries. The US declared that it would not guarantee South Korea’s security, according to The Wilson Quarterly. The purpose of that declaration was not to make USSR not to have any caution with the US power. USA wanted to give an unexpected counter-attack to USSR to express their military potential. They also meant to threaten others plans of USSR. The Korean War began on June 25, 1590. Primarily, people thought it happened to be a civil war between two parts of a country. However, The Korean War was an international offence when the Soviet Union planned the North Koreas attack. Moreover, Soviet-led tens of thousands of North Korean soldiers across the 38th parallel invade South Korea territory. As an expectation, the US and other fifteen countries countered the Korean War aims to change the international issues. Until 1953, President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s threated to use nuclear weapons on the northern continent. Worrying about the desolation of nuclear missile on the nation, after Stalin’s death, his uncertain successors, decided to end the Korean War via the armistice. In 1953, over a million soldiers and civilians not only from both sides of Korea but also from America, China, Russia and Britain dead. This war created a fear of the ‘domino effects’ to many allied nations. People recognize that the price of victory would be too high for any party; there was no point in letting the war continued. Fortunately, an armistice agreement was created in Panmunjom on July 27, 1953, and signed by both parties of Korea. In the armistice, although official peace between the North and the South was not established, a â€Å"demarcation line with a four-kilometer-wide demilitarized zone on both sides.†After that, in July 1972, the North and the South signed another treaty, the North-South Joint Statement. The statement was mainly about â€Å"independently, without reliance on foreign powers; peacefully, and based on a great ethnic consolidation.†After the Korean war, both parts of Korea made much of devastations their countries. North Korea lost its essential source of support due to the collapsing of USSR. Also, it lost all of the usual diplomatic relations with other countries and became the prominent security concerns of the United Nations. Furthermore, many Korean families were split due to the different kind of thoughts, either communism or non-communism. While South Korea became a significant economic and technological power, North Korea is still poverty, heavily militarized nation. The differences put North and South Korean in the state of ‘ready-to-fight’ over a period and have no clue of ending. Even though the Korean War ended for more than half of a century and many treaties were signed to keep the national peace. Technically, the two parts of the Korean Peninsula are still in the state of cold war. This tension does not only affect the diplomatic relations between North and South Korea but also become an international concern. Other allied countries started to have precaution with North Korea, North Korea isolates itself as an independent, socialist state and become aggressive to the world. The tension between North and South Korea has been continued up until now and causes many damages on both sides of the Korean Continent. While North Korea suffered from famine and economic crisis and the political system was predicted to be regressed. In the South, another vision of reformation developed. Korean people thought that the reunification would happen organically – not through military force or political solution. However, the idea that each part is following is diffe rent from the other. North Korea stubbornly wants to reunite with South Korea under North Korea’s philosophy, socialism. On the other hand, South Korean intends to run the country as a democratic system. Therefore, the questions of achieving reunification remain unanswered over time. In South Korea, the government wants to run the country under a democratic system. Because the South had a larger population compared to the North, thus, it cannot be managed in the same way as Kim’s empire. South Korea seeks freedom for its people. Park Chung Hee wants his citizens to talk what they want freely. Citizens have a right to decide who would be their prime minister. Also, residents are also allowed to connect to the world. Moreover, Park President wants to develop the Korean economic. Due to the division along Korean Peninsula, Korean economy was damaged enormously. The North-South joint factory was forced to close. As a result, hundreds of North Korean have to return to their state. The unemployed rate in the North escalated dramatically. Electric power and water supply have also been cut as well. In the term of tightening up the sanction on North Korea, the national economic system was almost collapsed. The deviation of economies between North and South Korea makes the unification more difficult than ever. Park Chung Hee wants to get close to the North, balance out the differences and turn Korea into the most economical and technological in Asia. In North Korea, Kim Jong Un wants to reunify Korea with a socialist idea. That idea was formed since Kim II Jung. The president of North Korea had an idea of building a country as a dictatorial system. He wanted to control his citizens with military force because he thought that people would be obedient to what he said due to the scare of death. Also, he wanted the country to be isolated from the rest of the world. When the nation became backward, the citizens would not dare to rebel; they would be loyal to the country. North Korea’s president understood the efficacy of the power force. Thus, he would love to keep that power not only during his lifetime but also beyond the time of his throne to mobilize the masses toward ambitious political goals. Moreover, on the reunification plan, Kim Jong Un also wants to take advantages of South Korea to develop the military system. According to Heather Stephenson, â€Å"Over the past 20 years, Seoul has given the Kim regime, on the record, over $10 billion, without any monitoring of who receives the aid.†There was still a mysterious thing to know whether that amount of money was used to increase living facilities or develop a nuclear missile. In another source, when Byung- Ho Chung visited North Korea, he asked how people in that country managed their lives during the difficult time. The North Korea tour guide just said â€Å"For us in North Korea, the thing that really matters is politics. The economy is nothing compared to politics. We are ready to endure hunger and sacrifice our lives for politics if necessary.†Kim assimilated his citizens that politic should become their first priority. North Korean military becomes dangerous and dominant over time while the quality of living remains the same for half of a century. The goal of unification of two parts of Korea is entirely different from each other. While Kim Jung Un only wants the country to be directed under his authority, South Korea seeks peace and freedom in its nation. It is a dilemma problem for political experts to solve. Hypothetically, The North follows the democratic system, would its citizens not make any rebellions to Kim? On the other sides, what would happen if the South change into Socialism? Would South Korea people be able to obey what Kim says even if his demand is unreasonable or dictatorial? Also, when Kim becomes the controller, who can stop him from using South Korea money to develop nuclear weapons? We all know that North Korea is the most dangerous potential nuclear force. People are anxious about each movement of North Korea military. Because, we all know that when the nuclear war happens, it will influence unimaginably enormous to the nations. No country can win in nuclear war. What it means is that in the end, the â€Å"winner†might end up less defeated than the â€Å"loser†but not too much of differences between two powers. Both sides of the conflict could have devastation occurred extremely quickly. â€Å"Two sides would have neither powers, nor laws, nor cities, nor cultures, nor cradles, nor tomb.†Also, nuclear weapons could be considered a holocaust. No one could survive after being involved. Additionally, national economic could be desolated. And it would take a lot of time and effort to restore as the origin. Seeing many adverse outcomes from nuclear programs, North Korea decides to stop working on nuclear weapons and find the way to unify with South Korea. Reunification between the North and the South has always been a dream for the President of the North Korea, Kim Jong Un. That idea has been held since Kim II Sung up until now. According The Hill, Harris said â€Å"He [Kim Jong Un] is after what his grandfather failed to do and his father failed to do, and he’s on a path to achieve what he feels is his natural place and where North Korea’s natural outcome is: a unified Korean peninsula that’s subject to the communist regime.†Reunification with the South brings to the North various benefits such as the developing in the economy and life qualification. Therefore, during last six decades, North Korea tried to set up many negotiating conferences to set peace between two parts of Korea. However, due to the differences between two nations, a peace treaty was still a difficult thing to come up. Until Early April 2019, after the Olympics event, the tension between two parts of Korea had a sign of reducing when South Korea sent a delegation to Pyongyang to meet Kim Jong Un. The purpose of this visiting is to prepare for a first summit meeting after holding high-level talks for more than a decade between North and South Korea. The summit meeting played a significant role in any possibility of peace on the Korean peninsula. This summit was historic; it was believed to a be conference to erase the tension between two parts of Korea since 1953s. On April 27th, the first summit meeting finally happened with the participants of North and South Korea’s Leader. In the conference, Kim said â€Å"If we maintain frequent meetings and build trust with the United States and receive promises for an end to the war and a non-aggression treaty, then why would we need to live in difficulty by keeping our nuclear weapons?†After half of a century of setting troops at the border to keep uneasy peace, Kim Jong Un decided to stop the conflict and find the peace for citizens from both sides. The meeting was meant to have a peace treaty between two states of Korea by removing all of the nuclear missiles out of the Korean Peninsula. On the other hands, seeing the potential benefits when reunifying with the North, South Korea did many things to make unification happen. South Korea’s leader even started a committee to make the reunification becomes possible. Base on Mr. Moon’s perspective, the unity could help Korea to become wealthier by the help from North Korea. Additionally, for the last several years, North Korean society was one of the most sheltered guarded in the contemporary world. North Korea had a proud investment in preventing outsiders from seeing anything that might make a negative impact to the country. When reunifying the two parts of the continent, Korea could have a better military defense formed on North Korean military. Because of the common goal, at the summit, both North and South Korean agree to sign the peace agreement. Furthermore, Moon Jea-in met with North Korea’s president for the second time in a month to carry out the peace committee. Also, Prime Minister of Korea knows that if the meeting between Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump is not going well, denuclearization becomes impossible as well. Therefore, Mr. Moon supported Kim’s potential meeting with President Donald Trump for positive outcome. Korea authorities determinedly looked forward to developing sustainable peace between two countries. In conclusion, reunification is the only possible solution to help both sides of Korea develop. Even though the tension between North and South Korea has a sign of declaration. It is still challenging to consolidate as the two states have different views on the unification. In the North, Kim Jong-un wants to rule the country as a socialist system. While in the South, Mr. Prime minister seeks to modify the country democratically. In my opinion, to make reunifications happens, both Mr. Kim and Mr. Moon needs to reduce their egocentrism and look for the potential benefits beyond the unity. The key is to let Korean people live peacefully and improve the quality of life. Although this reunification has to face obstacles, citizens from both sides are willing to try their best to let unification happen. Work cited: CBS/AP. â€Å"Seoul: North, South Korean Leaders Meet to Discuss U.S.-North Korean Summit.† CBS News, CBS Interactive, 26 May 2018, CNBC. â€Å"North, South Korea to Hold Summit on April 27.† CNBC, CNBC, 29 Mar. 2018, Feffer, John. â€Å"Korean Reunification: The View From the North.† The Huffington Post,, 16 June 2016, Jervis, Robert. â€Å"The Political Effects of Nuclear Weapons: A Comment.† International Security, 1 Oct. 1988, Kettley, Sebastian. â€Å"North and South Korea: When Did They Split? Why Were They at War?†, 16 May 2017, Kheel, Rebecca. â€Å"Top Admiral: North Korea Wants to Reunify Peninsula, Not Protect Rule.† TheHill, The Hill, 14 Feb. 2018, Kwon, Heonik, and Byung-Ho Chung â€Å"North Korea: beyond Charismatic Politics†Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2012 Mark Stone, Asia Corespondent, in Pyongyang. â€Å"North And South Korea: A Quick History.†Sky News, 25 July 2013, McKirdy, Euan. â€Å"South Korean Workers Leave Kaesong Industrial Park.† CNN, Cable News Network, 12 Feb. 2016, Sputnik. â€Å"History of Conflict Between North and South Koreas in Facts and Details.†Sputnik International, 20 Aug. 2015, Sang-hun, Choe. â€Å"North and South Korea Set Bold Goals: A Final Peace and No Nuclear Arms.† The New York Times, The New York Times, 27 Apr. 2018, Tonge-Hyung, Kim. â€Å"Kim Jong Un to Close North Korean Nuclear Test Site, Unify Time Zone with South Korea.† Global News, Global News, 29 Apr. 2018, Weathersby, Kathryn. The Korean War revisited. The Wilson Quarterly, vol. 23, no. 3, 1999, p. 91+. Literature Resource Center, Accessed 5 May 2018.  â€Å"What Does Kim Jong-Un Want?† Tufts Now, 7 Dec. 2017,
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Bestimmtheit in Short Film :: Movies History Time D.W. Griffith Papers
Bestimmtheit in Short Film Short film has been around for longer than many of us think. The very first films made in the early 1910s were not feature-length by any stretch of the imagination, and never more than 15 minutes long. D. W. Griffith, well-known for experimentation in cinematography, was the first director to venture into films longer than 15 minutes. These first films were short films (or "shorts"), these pioneer directors experimenting with what they could or could not do with a moving camera. Early shorts involved filming people boarding a train, or some similar mundane act. People reacted to this, and flocked to watch these movies, simply because of the novelty of watching reflections, instead of shadows, on screen. But as the audience got more sophisticated, filmmakers began to see the need to innovate. In the 1920s, experiments in surrealism occurred, with people, such as Salvadore Dali, dabbling in the "new" art of filmmaking (Cooper, ii). Despite great advances made in the field of technologi cal expertise and film technique, short films of today still suffer from the same limitation that their predecessors had: time. For a single narrative to be compressed within 15 minutes, the director and scriptwriter have to be sure that every single object within the mise-en-scà ©ne is of absolute relevance, thus maximising the use of screen-time (also known as "story-time", or histoire). This essay uses a contemporary short film and an 18th century text to discuss Chatman's concern of bestimmtheit in films. I hope to address certain concerns such as the extent to which a film can "specify" a particular object and what this specification does with regards to our understanding of the text. In addition, I will relate the compression of information into imagery to the limitations of time, given that a short film has a limit of 15 minutes. To do this, I shall analyse the cinematography of the short film, and show how relevant they are in bringing out certain scenarios described in Defoe's text. The short film in question is The Periwig-Maker, a clay-animated film directed by Stephen Schaeffler and narrated by actor Kenneth Brannagh, and it will be analysed with relation to the text it is based on, A Journal of the Plague Year by Daniel Defoe. To clarify certain misconceptions regarding the origin of The Periwig-Maker, let me first add a disclaimer. Stephen Schaeffler had based the events that
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Betty Friedans The Feminine Mystique Essay -- Betty Friedan The Femin
Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique The Feminine Mystique is the title of a book written by the late Betty Friedan who also founded The National Organization for Women (NOW) to help US women gain equal rights. She describes the "feminine mystique" as the heightened awareness of the expectations of women and how each woman has to fit a certain role as a little girl, an uneducated and unemployed teenager, and finally as a wife and mother who is happy to clean the house and cook things all day. After World War II, a lot of women's organizations began to appear with the goal of bringing the issues of equal rights into the limelight. The stereotype even came down to the color of a woman's hair. Many women wished that they could be blonde because that was the ideal hair color. In The Feminine Mystique, Friedan writes that "across America, three out of every ten women dyed their hair blonde " (Kerber/DeHart 514). This serves as an example of how there was such a push for women to fit a certain mold which was portrayed as the role of women. Blacks were naturally excluded from the notion of ideal women and they suffered additional discrimination which was even greater than that which the white women suffered from. In addition to hair color, women often went to great lengths to achieve a thin figure. The look that women were striving for was the look of the thin model. Many women wore tight, uncomfortable clothing in order to create the illusion of being thinner and some even took pills that were supposed to make them lose weight. The role of women was to find a husband to support the family that they would raise. Many women dropped out of college or never went in the first place because they we... ... becomes apparent that there have been great advances through history. Lesbian women were forced to repress their sexuality and get married in order to live a "normal" life. Even after homosexuality began it's emergence in the 1970s, lesbianism was often forgotten somewhere among the controversy. In the words of feminist author Kate Millett in her book, Sexual Politics which was written in 1970, "'Lesbianism' would appear to be so little a threat at the moment that it is hardly ever mentioned†¦ Whatever its potentiality in sexual politics, female homosexuality is currently so dead an issue that while male homosexuality gains a grudging tolerance, in women the event is observed in scorn or in silence (pt. 3, ch. 8)." There seems to be no distinction made between homosexual men and homosexual women in the media and this causes another form of separation.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
The Closet :: Creative Writing Essays
The Closet Wolfgang knew about his father's past. It wasn't talked about much, but when it was, Wolfgang's mouth would perspire saliva and he would swallow it with fear. His past scared him, scared him so much one time while listening a small puddle began to form around his left leg. His father had never hit him or anything. His friends, they all got the belt, slap across the butt. Wolfgang tried to explain to them the stories, but they all thought he had it easy. The stories consisted of a kid, a non descriptive child. Wolfgang guessed it was supposed to be his dad. The stories were of the same idea, of a kid being bad and getting punished for it. But they weren't your butt slapping punishments like all the other kids got. They were kids locked away in basements for the rats to eat, getting sold on the street to dirty men, things to the degree only the grotesque mind could imagine such a horror. But when Wolfgang was really menacing or his dad was drunk he would tell the story of the kid in the closet. The kid in the closet story scared Wolfgang so much he wouldn't dare get near one. The night had fallen and the dealers came out just after dusk, so Wolfgang moved his toys from the corner and walked up the apartment stairs. As his little twelve year old legs climbed the steps, he had to pass the bums that lay cold on the steps with their bottles of liquor. Once to the top of the staircase he passed a late dealer, and headed toward his home. As Wolfgang reached to the door it swung open nearly swiping off his arm. "What the hell do you think your doing out this late?" It was his father, again in a drunken state. "Get your ass in here!" he grabbed Wolfgang by the ear and pulled in him. "You know what use to happen to me when I was a kid?" he asked. "Not the closet, please no." Wolfgang pleaded with him. He didn't want to hear it one more time, or not ever again. " Oh you want to hear about the kid in the closet?" he took time to say it with ease and in such a matter that it scared Wolfgang so much he began to beg. "No, no, please, please don't, anything, whip me like the other boys, anything." He couldn't hold back the tears. Wolfgang's crying only worsened the scene and his father picked him up by
Monday, September 16, 2019
Daniel Suelo the Archetypal hero Essay
The book The Hero with a Thousand Faces, by Joseph Campbell proposes that all myths are essentially hero-quest stories, each of which rings a unique change on a universal pattern; a pattern he calls the â€Å"monomyth.†According to Campbell, the hero’s journey consists of three main moves: departure, initiation, and return. Within each of these categories is a number of stages common to the plots of all hero-quest stories, and can be compared to Daniel Suelo’s adventure throughout his life. According to the book The Hero with a Thousand Faces, the first move of the journey is departure which starts with the call to adventure. The call of adventure is how the journey starts and with Daniel Suelo it starts with him leaving the last of his money in a telephone booth and going for the adventure (accepting the call to adventure), so there is no direct indication of a call of adventure but leaving behind the money is probably the closest. Sometimes the hero does not accept the call to adventure and refuses it which turns the story to the negative, they lose their power and instead of the saving people, they are the one to be saved for refusing. After refusing their life changes from beautiful and colorful to boring dry and empty, and this is not the same as what happens to Daniel Suelo, but his life before was meaningless and he always wanted to take on the adventure (life with no money), so he probably refused the call before and accepted it later on. And for those who did not refuse the call, accepted it and took it on, the first thing the hero meets is a figure that is protective of them, and provides the hero help against whatever comes up on his or her journey. According to Daniel Suelo’s story, he has no supernatural aid, and no one on his side to help him with his journey,but later on in his life he does find a man, and has a relationship, and that relationship is possibly what kept him going, because he was very lonely, and his friend protected him from the feeling of being lonely. According to Joseph Campbell, the hero continues his journey until he comes to a threshold guardian, where he must cross the first threshold. This is where the hero must be brave to step in through the threshold to experience the unknown and compared to Daniel Suelo’s story, he accepted the call to adventure and gets a supernatural aid, then must go through the threshold which is possibly him leaving his house and leaving his money in the phone booth and taking the world on without any money.The passage of the magical threshold is symbolized in the womb image of the belly of the wale. After the hero taking on the threshold, the hero will easily be sucked into the belly of the wale, and will appear as dead. Daniel Suelo’s adventure starts with him leaving his money, and ending up living in a cave in Utah, and that is where all his adventures start, and the cave is where he sleeps, which makes him appear as dead, then second day he wakes up hes stronger and hes ready t o take on everything. The second big move of the hero is initiation that starts with the road of trials that the hero must go through and experience, to get to the end of his journey. The hero must survive the trials, and this stage in a story in known to be the favorite phase of adventure, where the hero will meet the unknown and be ready for the unexperienced. The trials in Daniel Suelo’s life is probably everything he has to face everyday to live human beings, to animals.Sometimes Daniel Suelo had to try his best to keep his cave up in Utah from police officers that wouldn’t allow him to live on unused government property. He also how to go through trials asking for food, because Daniel used to only take food from those who offered, or from dumpsters, which is something that some businesses didn’t like. For Daniel Suelo, everyday is a road of trials. After comparing Daniel Suelo to the archetypal hero Campbell refers to, its possible to see similarities him and the hero, but it is also hard to find much concrete similarities between the two. In the end, according to Campbell, I believe that Daniel is actually an archetypal hero that had to go through trails that each other hero went through in movies, old stories, and modern day story telling.
The cost totaled seven lives and millions of dollars. The disaster could have been subverted, however, if o only the several mechanical engineers that had noticed an issue with the rings had stepped f award, despite administrative pressure to continue with the launch, and brought public eaten Zion to the problem. A multitude of other such disarticulated of civic structures, technologies such as cars and trains, and even the batteries of computers and phones, capable of causing harmful explosions, all constitute infringements of people's basic right to life, and thus presents a leg l and ethical dilemma.All engineers possess two at least two democratically knowledge of standard design processes and requirements, and the capacity to apply their knowledge toward dos the creation of novel technologies and innovations. These two things qualify as intellectual pr property, which is an intangible item that is secured via the powers of reasoning of an individual (AH in 50).While some enginee rs, such as professional engineers, are credited for their intellectual pr property, it is essential that all engineers credited thusly, even at the cost Of their employer, as it pro totes their autonomy 2 and therefore creativity, lowers cost of procuring professional engineers to SE al and approve projects , and finally, holds engineers to the highest standard of ethical profess Somalis by exposing the promulgators of shoddy engineering to the scrutiny of the world at large. Companies, when hiring engineers to create technologies, often pressure the SE potential hires into signing binding agreements.These contracts force innovators to forfeit al I of their intellectual and creative output to companies. As Keith Warren, a licensed Professional E ginger, states, a technology company could take the rights Of an invention Of a â€Å"baa rubber sauce†if it so suits them (Warren). Some would argue that this provides complete owner ship provides incentive to companies allow emplo yees more creative license. The company can profit from any and all of their employee' ideas either selling the patent or investing in the †barbeques†productive capabilities it follows that they give more freedom to their novo dative members.Also, as Keith Warren, states, all clients and employers of engineers provide t he engineers with sources to conduct research, so it would seem reasonable that engineers o offer in exchange the profit to be made of of their ideas and technologies (Warren). Engineers been fit in that they are not required to go through an intensive eightieth licensing process to become e professional engineers (who are indeed held personally responsible for any flaw in their w ark, but not for an innovation), as the company will be held responsible for a problem that went unrecognized by an employee.Finally, this discourages individuals from patenting or otherwise CLC aiming ideas that hey lack the capabilities to fabricate it. This, as Koch States, causes an sills_Jew for companies and even other engineers by obligating them to verify the originality of their prod cut periodically throughout the design process using costly search engines, and even prevent Eng some technologies 3 from being commercially available, as they have been patented by small indeed pendent's that refuse to yield their rights to the idea (327). Coercing creative engineers to remain silent about their ideas can stifle create pity and even hinder the process of innovation.On a individual level, the engineer receives I title to no credit for their contributions (Warren). While, as multiple ethical codes attest, engineers should be first accountable for actions that can impact public willingness as approval of t he commercial readiness of a technology, the recognition of their intellectual property should also apply to their own innovations and inventions (â€Å"Code of Ethics†). Enabling creators to claim t heir ideas incentives the creation of trul y original products, for instance, the Apple com putter, the telescope, all created by individuals unattached to large firms.Breakthrough technologies often require extensive resources that sleepyhead individuals are unable to procure, so e engineers currently have two possessively an innovative design, patent it, and by default via pop assessing such legal power, hinder its production and benefit to society by firms with the resource s; or become employed by a firm, attempting to create and fabricate such innovations while e remaining constricted by the firm's own main objectives and directives (Koch 327).Further remorse, firms often keep breakthrough tech oenology a secret for a while, seeking a release time that will bring the most commercial gain due to market price level and other factors. This halts the pr ogress of technology. If instead engineers retained some creative rights to their products, while firm s with the resources hold reproductive rights, a mutually beneficial p artnership is available that en abeles maximum freedom for both parties. Firms are not constrained by a patent to the individual al, and engineers can produce intellectual property at will.The immediate profit of companies is not diminished. Corporate loss will occur only in the advanced autonomy of the engineer rest ensemble for 4 highhanded products, and possible competitive bids from other companies t o take on such a dynamic employee. This loss is overridden by the enhanced ability of corporate e entities to recognize such individuals and seek them for projects, and the government to employ such individuals for public projects that demand acuity in refining structures that c loud affect public welfare.The law mandates that companies must obtain the approval of a Professional Engineer for any of their engineer and design projects in order for the project to become e eligible for rejection. (Warren). This sealing involves a PEP reviewing the designs, calculate ions, and technologi es created by unlicensed engineers employed by an industrial .NET TTY.Because the majority of engineers that work for such entities are unlicensed, they are not r jugulate by the National Society of Engineers and state law to be held personally accountable for their evaluations of a work, and have not undergone the rigorous training for licenser (Warren , â€Å"Ethical Codes†). Thus, federal legislation mandates that a PEP check over a technology before it is released. This is a costly practice, and could easily be foregone if all engineers were required to obtain at least basal licenser via a less vigorous process than PEP, but nonetheless remain regular De by a national organization such as NSP.Finally, engineers should be directly credited for their intellectual OUtPUt in AP proving or disapproving civil projects. This prevents shoddy work from engineers employ De by large companies, that today have little to lose, blanketed by anonymity as they are underneath a large firm 's name, for small mistakes such the matter of a small ring deficiency, the t might build to a large and pervasive civil problem (Warren). Many engineers must battle with conflicting interesting allegiance to the public good and their melodramatically whew n bound by 5 agreements that prohibit their divergence in opinion from a company.Some ethical codes acknowledge this conflict, such as that Of the National Society Of Professional Engineers (â€Å"Code of Ethics†). However, ethical codes themselves, while meant to clarify a course o f action to take when such conflicts occur, often themselves conflict (Eligible and Davis 7 This dilemma is solved if companies cannot take direct credit for an engineer's work, and en gingers intellectual property is in turn attributed to the engineer in question.Companies still poss. sees ownership of the idea of having the sole right to produce it within a fixed number of years, but acknowledge and even provide royalties to the creator of the technology. Litton Engineering, a f roomer workplace of Keith Warren's, exemplifies this concept by providing ample royalties and eve n the ability to patent intellectual property to their employees (Warren). The Challenger Disc steer occurred after an engineer, appealing to an administrator with qualms concerning the rings, w as told to â€Å"think like a manager, not an engineer (Eligible and Heinz 4).The engineer was a c annotator with NASA, instead of a PEP that would be held to scrutiny by the NAPES and the pull ICC for the oversight. Thus, no careers were necessarily imperiled by the disaster (Ware n). Notable failures of civic architecture such as bridge collapse can have be prevented if engineer's careers are stake, instead of company's stock, which can recover more easily. The lack of some r ejaculating agency ND formalized code of ethics in those days could be partially attributed for the see problems (Christie 98).It is thereby essential that some national agency, with a universal code of teeth CSS, regulate all registered and therefore employable engineers. By having a public and private e profile that promotes interest in innovation and accountability, engineers can benefit fro m recognition that they accrue through sound ethical and innovative practice, while being penal zed for malpractice. 6 The conflicting allegiances that engineers often face, to their sponsor, client o r company, and to heir own interior moral compass, will be eliminated, as the company is oblige Ted to maintain an open profile of all works.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Argument from Evil (1175 Words  Approx. 5 Pages) This paper will discuss the Logical and Evidential Argument from Evil, Peter Wykstra's Unknown Purpose Defense, and William Rowe's rebuttals in an attempt to †¦. Ontological Argument (662 Words  Approx. 3 Pages) Outline the Ontological argument for the existence of God and consider the view that, while it may strengthen a believer’s faith, it has no value for the non †¦. Argument (318 Words  Approx. 1 Pages) Should police or figures with authority be allowed to profile individuals based on race? Can even a successful Broadway actor, be †¦. Argument (462 Words  Approx. 2 Pages) This is a complex situation dealing with tenants and their parking spaces. Reason being every body would like to have the better †¦. Argument (1511 Words  Approx. 6 Pages) Reading is the ability to understand the written words of another person. But reading is not as simple as you think, reading is †¦. The Cosmological Argument for the existence of God. (1036 Words  Approx. 4 Pages) The cosmological argument for the existence of God. †¦. The first thing to note about the cosmological argument is that it is A Posteriori. †¦. Argument Of Design (652 Words  Approx. 3 Pages) The argument of design is often referred to as the Argument from Design, with the idea in mind that the person is arguing from the existence of â€Å"design†in the †¦. The Ontological Argument (1063 Words  Approx. 4 Pages) In Saint Anselm and Gaunilo’s â€Å"The Ontological Argument†, Anselm believes that God is the greatest of all conceivable things and nothing else can be †¦. The Ontological Argument (804 Words  Approx. Pages) The Ontological Argument (Question 1 part a and b) According to the Ontological Argument, the existence of God can be proven by merely appealing to the †¦. Argument of the Wager (312 Words  Approx. 1 Pages) †¦. understand faith better. The argument of the wager, brought about by Saint Anselm, parallels the closest with God's existence. It says â₠¬ ¦. Cosmological Argument (1003 Words  Approx. 4 Pages) My paper will present the Cosmological Argument for God‘s existence, and show that its underlying principle, the Principle of Sufficient Reason, fails to †¦. Cosmological Argument (1002 Words  Approx. 4 Pages) My paper will present the Cosmological Argument for God‘s existence, and show that its underlying principle, the Principle of Sufficient Reason, fails to †¦. The Design Argument (617 Words  Approx. 2 Pages) Both the Cosmological and Teleological (Design) argument for the existence of God argue ‘a posteriori’, in that, they look to science to substantiate God †¦. The Ontological Argument (1096 Words  Approx. 4 Pages)
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Characters Representing Major Ideas and Themes
A Raisin In the Sun by Lorraine Handovers, the Younger family Is faced with many big issues and themes that affect African Americans in the 1 ass's. These overlying themes appear in the form of individuals In the play, even for those characters that play only minor roles. George Morison, Wily Harris, and Mr.. Liners each represent different obstacles that the Youngster's must overcome in order to follow their dreams and trust what is in their hearts.This is Handlebars way of telling her readers to not be afraid to follow their dreams, even If there are obstacles In your path, because If they don't then they will be worse off than ever before. George Morison is the living example of assimilation culture and it's destructive tendencies toward your native culture and heritage. He dresses like whites, acts like whites, and puts more value on money than on thoughts and culture. Beneath witnesses this transformation occurring in her brother, and it angers her.She feels pressured by society to assimilate. George has merged with the American White Majority Ideals and has no difficulty in doing so, which deeply rubles Beneath, who believes that if you lose your heritage, you in turn lose yourself. George gets incredibly aggravated whenever Beneath mentions how she feels on the topic of Assimilation, and finally George can't listen any longer to her and snaps, â€Å"Let's face it, baby, your heritage is nothing but a bunch of raggedy- eased spirituals and some grass huts! (Handovers, 81) Beneath is trying to find herself by rediscovering her culture, while George Is separating himself from his as much as possible. This huge difference between the two Is the mall reason behind Beneath slice of him and love of Sagas, who fully embraces his culture. He helps her overcome modern society's expectations and dance to her own drumbeat, therefore giving her a way to find herself. The pressure to assimilate into society and become â€Å"acceptable†to others is shown in Be neath, but has already won over George.Even though Wily Harris never even steps onto the stage, his dark presence hangs over the family, as he took the $6,500 that was left of Big Walter's money. He did the taking, and left the Younger â€Å"token†, representing people who exploit others who are desperate and helpless. Wily and others like him take advantage of people like the Younger who have no experience or way of getting help if they fall into a bad situation, but will trust someone to help them out because they are desperate enough to try to achieve their dreams anyway. In stealing the money, Wily Harris destroys Walter's last hope for a good future.Walter explains after he hears the bad news of the stolen money how he thinks the world works and what he has concluded from the experience: â€Å"Life is just like it is. Who gets and who don't get†¦ Mama, you know it's all divided up†¦ Between the takers and the â€Å"token††¦ Mom of us always getting token†¦. I'll say one thing for old Wily Harris. He's taught me something. He's taught me to keep my eye on what counts in this world. Yeah- Thanks, Wily! †(Handovers, 141) By this point, Walter has realized that his dream Is not going to happen, and Wily has left him devastated.But amidst all these distraught what really counts, not money, not social status, but love, his family, his wife, and his son. The kind of love that made big Walter work to death for his family. This realization pulls him together, and finally becomes a man and gives Mama and Ruth their dream of owning a house. It seems that people like Wily Harris gravitate to people in poor circumstances with big dreams and little experience. Walter overcomes this disastrous event, but the memory that he could have done better in business and made something of himself will probably haunt him forever.Mr.. Liners is Just one man, but he represents thousands of people, the white majority, and their intense prejud ice against blacks and other minorities. Prejudice and racism was still everywhere in the sass's, even though slavery was gone. The views that people like Mr.. Liners harbor are keeping the Younger and other minority groups oppressed and unable to rise up to their full potential. Liners expresses his frustration with the Younger after Walter refuses his offer for the first time, â€Å"What do you are going to gain by moving into a neighborhood where you Just aren't wanted†¦ People can get awful worked up when they feel that their whole way of life and everything they've ever worked for is threatened. â€Å"(Handovers, 199) Liners says the one thing that the white majority has been thinking. He tells the Younger very simply that they are not wanted. This kind of hostility has nothing to do with any f these peoples personalities, Jobs, or morals, it is solely because they are not white and therefore are deemed not good enough to be with whites.The family overcomes this prejudic e by asking Mr.. Liners back. Walter tells him that they will move into the house, and they will be good neighbors, therefore giving the Whites the first punch if they want to take it, as he will do nothing to them, because he states that the family has a right to live there Just as much as anyone else. Prejudice affected the Younger through the voice of one man, but through the minds of many. But they anally overcome their fear of it and move into the house at Closure Park.Throughout this play, Handovers is constantly using symbolism, and not only does she do it through objects, but through people as well. She shows us how all of these complicated issues are gathered together in one tiny apartment and how this can destroy dreams Just by stepping into the room that is the sass's. By using characters like George, Wily, and Mr.. Liners, we get a real sense of what people are willing to do to achieve their goals, be accepted, and keep things how they have always been. The Younger overc ome each of these with their love and their dreams.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Nespresso - Strategy and Competition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Nespresso - Strategy and Competition - Essay Example presso specific equipment to the customers and the process of making high quality espresso coffee is also shown to the customers as part of the operations of the boutique. The boutiques also provide a presentation area where the different Nespresso coffee making equipment and the Nespresso blend capsules are set up. The Nespresso boutique interacts with the customers by hosting a coffee bar at the boutique with entertainment and sitting area for the customers. The customers can interact with the staff by ordering their coffees, making their own coffees at the bar through the single serving percolators as well as by providing the management of the boutique with feedback on the quality and service. The company also operates through its websites whereby the customers can order the coffee and the equipment online. This is delivered the customers residence or mentioned address by the company. The critical issues that have been faced by the brand and its serving boutiques is to combat the tea drinking culture in the Asian countries as well as bring the concept of single serving espressos made through coffee capsules containing exclusive special blends to the customers. The challenges that the company has faced pertain to building relationships with customers and fording them into long lasting loyalties. The concept of brand loyalty is very strong with Nespresso, however it has been challenging for the company to make loyal customers as well. The motivation of the company is being providing an exclusive and portioned form of coffee and equipment to customers has been to revolutionize the way the coffee is perceived and consumed. The company saw the trend towards smaller family sizes and single person households in the 1970’s and has built on it to produce the single serving coffee capsules as well as the single serving coffee making machines. The customer satisfaction for the products manufactured and provided by the Nespresso Company has been bountiful. The high
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Design Thinking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Design Thinking - Essay Example Design thinking most commonly occurs in the artificial or built environments. It occurs in artefacts. Design thinking differs with the analytical, scientific methods of solving problems. In essence, the analytical, scientific methods start with a thorough definition of the parameters surrounding a problem in the process of creating a solution to that particular problem. On the contrary, design thinking investigates and identifies with both ambiguous and known aspects of the current problem to discover the hidden parameters and open up alternative courses that may lead to the goal. Design thinking is iterative in that; the intermediate solutions can form potential starting points for the alternative paths. Such intermediate solutions could include redefining the initial problem. Design thinking can be contemplated as a process for problem solving. Unlike analytical thinking, design thinking as a process includes the build-up of ideas with no or few limits on the scope of its brainstorming phase (Ingle, 2013). The nature of the brainstorming phase helps to encourage participation and input from a wide variety of sources and reduces the fear associated with failure in the participants in the ideation phase. The goal of the brainstorming phase in design thinking has been likened with the phrase ‘thinking outside the box’. The approach is a significant contribution at the brainstorming stage since it can help in the discovery of hidden ambiguities and elements of the situation and subsequently identify the faulty potential assumptions. There are several versions of design thinking. However, a commonly used version has seven phases. These are definition, research, ideation, prototyping, choosing, implementation and learning. It is within these seven steps that problems are framed, the right questions are asked, ideas created and the selection of the most satisfactory answers done. The seven phases of design thinking are not linearly
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Cocaine Epidemic in the USA in 1980s Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Cocaine Epidemic in the USA in 1980s - Essay Example The middle of the 1990s can be considered as the late phase of the epidemic. Since 1991 the number of people who use cocaine very often (at least every day) remains stable and amounts to 640 000 people. Approximately 16% of people who used cocaine lost control and dependency occurred. That happened under the influence of many factors. Two important factors are the availability and the cost of the drug. Till 1980s cocaine hydrochloride used for intranasal and intravenous injection was the only available form of cocaine. Moreover, it was very expensive. Then cheaper alkaloids of cocaine, which could be used by means of inhalation, appeared. Moreover, they were available in many big cities just for $2-5 for dose. Due to this fact, cocaine became available even for children and teenagers. In general, men used drugs more often than women and for cocaine, this correlation amounts to 2:1. However, the use of cheap alkaloids of cocaine was very widespread among young women and reaches the level that is characteristic for men. Due to this fact, the popularity of the use of cocaine among pregnant women was high. The third very important factor that influenced people was the fashion. It was fashionable and prestigious to use cocaine, it was very popular among rich and people blindly followed the stereotypes. Young people and teenagers were the most vulnerable. They were sure that in order to be considered â€Å"cool†, it is necessary to start using cocaine. Certainly, such stereotypes had many awful consequences (Demarest). The cocaine epidemic was depicted in many movies. Some of them were even forbidden due to the active propaganda of cocaine use. The movie â€Å"Blow†(2001) tells us the real story of a man who decided to become one of the first distributors of cocaine in the United States. He made many famous and rich people dependent on cocaine, his sharpness allowed him to avoid any conflicts with police. But everything comes to the end at last. The movie â€Å"Scarface†tells spectators about the history of cocaine use in the USA when it was brought by criminals from Cube.Â
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