Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Dolphins1 essays
Dolphins1 essays Dolphins are playful and cleverness make them fascinating to watch . Dolphins are not fish they are mammals that live in the sea . They have to come to the top of the water every half minute , so they can breathe . But dolphins can stay under the water for six or seven minutes ,if he holds his breath . The dolphin breathes in his head because he has a blow hole in his head that allows him to breathe . Dolphins have a lot of teeth to help them eat. Each dolphin has almost one hundred teeth in his mouth all the same size and shape . The only work the teeths have is catching food , but not chewing it. First the dolphin catches a fish then he swallows it . A dolphin has a good eye . But sometimes he can't see very well in the water because is so full of shadows , and mud , and plantsthat grow at he bottom . The dolphin uses his ears so much it is hard to see his hears . They are located in the sides of his heads and are two tiny pin holes . The dolphin can hear very well . A dolphin sleeps a foot or two below the top of the water . He takes little naps every half minute or so he moves his tail up and down .This brings him up for a breath of air . Then he drifts down and sleeps some more . Some dolphins stay together they play and learn and grow up . One reason they stay together is the enemies in the sea . The Shark is their enemy and so is the Killer Whale .If a killer whale comes close , the dolphins make a circle . The female dolphins and their babies are in the middle of the circle . The male dolphins swim around the outside of the cicle . It is hard to attack when there is a bunch of dolphins . But sometimes the enemy attacks and the dolphins attack back . When a dolphin cries for help the other dolphin comes to help . One day some dolphins were playing around a big boat they did flips in the water and jumped high in the air . But one dolphin was jumping to...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Lagging Behind
Lagging Behind Lagging Behind Lagging Behind By Maeve Maddox A reader writes: I keep seeing this: â€Å"lacked considerably behind when what is meant is lagged considerably behind. When I went looking, I also found many examples of lacking where the context calls for lagging. Here are a few: Incorrect: Bad WPO ranking on most pages [are] lacking behind the top US healthcare sites Correct: Bad WPO ranking on most pages [are] lagging behind the top US healthcare sites Incorrect: Africa is clearly lacking behind [in foreign investment]. Correct: Africa is clearly lagging behind [in foreign investment]. Incorrect: Good research lacking behind fitness promises Correct: Good research lagging behind fitness promises The meaning of the verb lag in the idiom â€Å"to lag behind†is â€Å"to fail to keep pace with others.†Usually, the behind that follows lagging is a preposition that takes an object: One very controversial topic recently is how America is lagging far behind other nations in terms of quality of education.- Business Today. Sometimes â€Å"lagging behind†is used as a phrasal verb: U.S. lagging behind on gender equality.- CNN. The verb to lack means â€Å"to be deficient in quantity or degree.†For example: Customers with mental illness are lacking services due to decreased funding available to the local CMH. When your intended meaning is â€Å"to fail to maintain the desired speed of progress,†â€Å"to slacken the desired pace from weakness or sloth,†â€Å"to hang back,†â€Å"to fall behind,†or â€Å"to remain in the rear,†the idiom you want is â€Å"to lag behind.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Comma After i.e. and e.g.Best Websites to Learn EnglishRite, Write, Right, Wright
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Annotated bibliography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 10
Annotated bibliography - Essay Example Such categorization helps to give priority to things that need our immediate attention. This article is especially useful for employers to understand the expenditure their companies incur over long periods of time. This article shows how to group expenses into different categories to keep track of the expenses incurred. It tells us that by allotting a certain amount of money towards each category, it is easier to keep track of how much is spent in any particular category. In this way we can track if a particular category is over shooting expenses. The article highlights the fact that though budgets are considered a necessary evil, it is important that they are well maintained and updated on a regular basis. It also explains the three main steps necessary for maintaining a budget and they are as follows – 1) Identifying expenditure, 2) Evaluating current expenditure, and 3) Maintaining a regular track record of all the expenses. This article is particularly useful for those in the field of finance because it gives many important tips on budget maintenance. In this article the author explains the necessity of maintaining budgets saying that it helps to keep a control on one’s finances.‎ Budgets are used for various purposes such as – Controlling income and expenditure, providing direction, Motivating employees, Improving efficiency, Establishing the company’s priorities and for Monitoring employees performance. In this context, the managers play a pivotal role in maintaining proper communication between the employers and employees and lay down the plan of action based on the budget given. This article was very useful as it had many guiding principles that help to keep finances of any kind under control. This article is important in the sense that it is a good guide to Budget Management. It gives us necessary information
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Smoking English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Smoking Is a Dangerous Precedent - Essay Example This paper tells that harshness aside, smoking brings to an end the basis of life and what more sinful can an aspect of life be if it kills people? If people understand that they are falling into a hole and they keep on saying all sorts of things about it, it would seem imaginable (Hove, 2011). But when they know less about it and do absolutely nothing, one can expect naivety on their part. The peer pressure is just too much for a person to take. It brings people to a single platform from where they can go all wrong. Someone must stop them to bring sanity within their domains. The young ones are therefore straying for a multitude of reasons. Smoking is playing havoc with their lives and they are just not pushed. This is because they do not care much about what is taking place within their fore. The safe alternatives that the young ones can perhaps adopt comprise of the substitutes that they shall find to keep them busy at all times. The urge basically makes their life difficult and i t would be safe to state that this urge has to be controlled and kept at a safe distance. It will solve half the problems that smokers have within their folds. The smokers need to be sure that they are following the right path when they are controlling their urge and this can only come about when they know what they are doing. Indulgence in smoking has meant that their parents have been concerned for a number of reasons. They want to know why their children are adopting this habit where even most of the parents themselves are addicted to smoking in the first place (Stein, 2011). It has been seen that parents discourage their wards no matter they smoke or not. This is a positive development that has come to the fore with the changing times and there has been reason enough to believe such a premise since parents do not want to put their children’s lives at risk. Within the understanding that smoking can bring about for the general masses, what is most significant is how well sm oking has been able to manifest its negativities amongst the target audience that it is spoken about. This has been understood in the wake of the different ailments and diseases which have been highlighted time and again. Teenagers and young adults perhaps forget the fact that their comprehension levels are limited and they are unable to decipher the true meaning and representation of smoking in the clearest sense possible. They are less educated and have little know-how of what is deemed as right and what is seen as wrong within the correct frame of things (Guha, 2011). The role of the parents is an important one because they must keep a check as to where their young ones are going and what kind of friends they are hanging out with. Their stern check over their children is quintessential because this would ensure that they stay on the right track no matter how bad their respective companies are. In the end, it would be safe to state that smoking is a dangerous precedent that has be en set within the present day generation. This is so sad because smoking was a problem, remains an issue and will be a serious concern in the days to come. For starters, peer pressure is something that should be paid attention towards.Â
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Franklin Delano Roosevelt Essay Example for Free
Franklin Delano Roosevelt Essay Who can forget the initials FDR? Frank Delano Roosevelt was the 32nd President of the United States. He was a very good public servant. In fact, he has served for 12 years (1933-1945) as the President of America and has great involvement during the Second World War and the world economic crisis. He worked hard and made the New Deal to aid the great depression that the world has suffered that time. With the New Deal, he was able to give some relief to the unemployed and to reform the economic systems. He was able to established several programs that became instrumental in the recovery of the economy and the nation’s commerce. One of his great contribution and became one of his essential legacies is the Social Security System. It was January 30, 1882 when Franklin D. Roosevelt was born in Hyde Park, New York. He was the good son of James and Sara Roosevelt. He acquired his education with the aid of his parent and private tutors. He got an excellent educational background. During his preparatory, he was send to Groton in Massachusetts. Amusingly, he acquired his bachelor degree in History in Harvard for only three years. After this, he took law at the Columbia University and passed the bar examination in 1907. He exercised his law expertise in 3 years in a popular law firm in New York. He was happily married to Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, who was the niece of the late President Theodore Roosevelt. They have six children in which five only survives during infancy; Anna, James, Elliot, Franklin, Jr. , and John. In 1910, his political career has started and been elected as a Senator under the banner of the Democrat Party. Two years after, he was reelected as a Senator. He supported Woodrow Wilson in his candidacy at the Democratic National Convention and as a reward for his support, he was appointed as the Assistant of the Navy for seven years. He was an effective and efficient administrator of Navy. His experience in the Navy has prepared him for his future position as the commander-in-chief during the Second World War. He was nominated for vice president by the Democratic Party during the 1920’s election however; many anti-Wilson plans have gained popularity, and thus making the Republican Party won the presidency in 1920. Roosevelt’s political career suddenly stops. In 1921, Roosevelt has stricken a poliomyelitis while having a summer vacation at the Campobello Island, New Brunswick. With a crippling illness, he established a foundation, which aims to help polio victims, and eventually directed the establishment March of Dimes program that funded anti-polio vaccines. With his current situation, Roosevelt became afraid to return to politics but with the encouragement of his wife Eleanor and Louis Howe, Roosevelt resumed his political runs. In 1924, he nominated New York Governor Alfred E. Smith for president however, smith lost to his co-nominee John W. Davis. In 1928, finally Smith became the Democratic candidate for President and campaigned for Roosevelt candidacy as Governor of New York. Unfortunately, Smith lost the Presidential election to Herbert Hoover. On the other hand, Roosevelt has won the election and been elected as the new Governor of New York. He was reelected as Governor in 1930. Following this, he then starts the campaign for presidency. I was the right time for Roosevelt to enhance his reputation. The economic depression severely damaged the reputation of President Hoover and the rest of the Republicans. During that time, Roosevelt has won the nomination as the Democratic Party candidate for president. He called for government intervention, which aims to give a relief, recovery and reform in the economic status of the United States. In 1932, he became the new president of US defeating Hoover by seven million votes. The depression has worsened the economic situation; closing of many factories and farms, increasing bank failures and rate of unemployment. Roosevelt has faced the greatest battle of his life. To be able to cope up with the worsening situations, he immediately undertook preemptive actions and initiated the New Deal. His actions include the closing of banks temporarily to calm all the depositors. He did not stop working. In his first â€Å"100 days†in the position, he worked with a special session of congress in order to pass recovery legislations. The legislations established the so-called alphabet agencies such the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA) and the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC). Both of these agencies seek to help people; AAA will support farm prices and CCC will help to employ young men. Other agencies are set up to give assistance to labor and business, to insure bank deposits, to control and regulate stock market, to subsidize home and farm mortgage payments and to help the unemployed. Although his New Deal program was, a great help in the economic recovery; it resulted to an increase in government spending and unbalanced budget allocation that led to criticisms. Nevertheless, this state did not affect the political popularity of Roosevelt. In 1935, he established the Works projects administration (WPA) that gives employment to many people including the artists, writers, musicians and authors. In addition to this, Roosevelt has established the Social Security Act that gives additional compensation and benefits to employees. He was the only American president to take the position more than two terms. He defeated Alfred M. Landon in 1936, Wendell Wilkie in 1940 and Thomas E. Dewey in 1944. After he gained his awesome victory in the presidential election in 1936, Roosevelt has also gained some critics of the New Deal. The Supreme Court had declared several legislations unconstitutional. Many setbacks have occurred during his second term. He led United States away from the Isolationism during the World War. He has supported Winston Churchill with his efforts against the Axis Powers. Roosevelt played an important role in the post-world war. He created the United Nations in 1945, which has the goal of maintaining world peace. With his leadership, the American liberalism was redefined and the Democratic Party was restructured. The United States became neutral regarding the war however when the Japanese attacked the Pearl harbor on December 7, 1941, four days after both Italy and Germany have declared war against the United States, US was put into war. As a commander-in-chief of US military armed forces, he exercised his powers in order to fight the axis powers. He initiated the formation of â€Å"grand alliance†which was against Japan, Italy and Germany. His first mission is to invade Europe. The United States together with its allies invaded North Africa, then Sicily and Italy. Axis Powers have lost their momentum. Finally, Germany was invaded and certainly, victory in Europe was attained. The stress, strain, difficulties, struggles in the war has brought Roosevelt into sickness. Early of 1944, he was subjected to a full medical examination. The findings showed that he has a serious heart and circulatory complications. His physicians took care of him and always regulate his food intake. He was placed to a very strict medication. However, none of the efforts treats the malady. The pressures of war and politics worsen his condition. April 12, 1945 at the Warm Springs, Georgia, he got a massive stroke and eventually died after two and one-half hours. He died at the age of 63. It was the time when United States have gained a complete victory in Europe and Japan. His remains were buried at his hometown. Franklin D. Roosevelt is a noble man, a brave man. Who can forget him- his contributions to his nation and even to the world? Roosevelt dedication on his role as the leader was amazing. With his crippled legs, he was able to serve the people, the people who really seek for help. I remember one of his quotations,†A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who, however, has never learned how to walk forward†. Roosevelt was one of the greatest men who live on earth. He was a prudent leader. He does not let his deficiencies overcome his ambitions. He was a role model to everyone. He always looked for the welfare of his people. He can be considered as a hero. I admire him for being persevering. For me he is man of his words– a man that would do anything just to serve helpless people. I admired him for being a strong-willed person. He never gives up and very firm with all the decisions he made. I admired him for being Franklin D. Roosevelt. Work Cited â€Å"2006. The American Presidency. 10 April 2008 http://ap. grolier. com/article? assetid=a2025680-h.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Which EU institution is the most powerful? Essay -- Economics
Which EU institution is the most powerful? The European Union (EU) is currently made up of 25 countries, known as Member States, which together form the largest voluntary and peaceful block of countries in the world. Many people mistakenly view the European Union as a single body whilst in fact; the EU consists of a number of different institutions that together carry out activities on behalf of the Member States. There are many institutions but the main five being the Commission, the Council of Ministers (also called the Council of the European Union), the European Council and the European Parliament and the European Court of Justice. In this essay I am going to focus on these institutions and discuss which is to be considered more powerful. I will firstly look at each one individually and how it is organised then analyse its powers and responsibilities before comparing them and drawing up my conclusions. However I would like to note that there are many different interpretations and parameters of ‘powerful’ which make it difficult to answer the question. The EU was established in 1992 by the Maastricht Treaty. It comprises what are known as three ‘pillars’. Firstly the EC; secondly, inter-governmental co-operation (i.e. between national governments) in foreign and security policy and the third pillar being inter-governmental co-operation in justice and home affairs. In the second and third pillars policy decisions are made by unanimous cooperation between members and cannot be enforced. Therefore for the most part, the governing institutions of the EC pillar have limited input in these pillars. The European Commission does much of the day-to-day work in the European Union and is the driving force in the Union's institutional system. Their main responsibility is to initiate and implement new programs, and they form a permanent executive that supervise the work of the EU, much in the way that a national cabinet operates. This power is displayed in article 211 of the Treaty Establishing the European Community, which states that, the Commission: 'Shall formulate recommendations or deliver opinions on matters dealt with in this treaty, if it expressly so provides or if the commission considers it necessary.' The Commission is made up of a President and the College of Commissioners (the political arm), and the Direc... ...------------------------------------- [1] The Presidency of the Council is the driving force in the legislative and political decision-making process, organising and chairing all meetings and working out compromises to resolve any difficulties. The Presidency rotates among the Member States every six months and is used as a mechanism through which Member States can advance specific priorities. The UK will next hold the Presidency in the second half of 2005. [2] The European Council's far reaching and dramatic decisions have helped propel their meetings into the public spotlight where they have become the focal point for media coverage of the EU, which increases their power [3] During the political, economic and institutional weakening of the European Community (EC) in the 1960s and 1970s the ECJ persisted and struggled on to create an extensive and powerful mass of case law that continued the process for deeper integration. The outcome of this was extremely positive. The work of the ECJ developed not just a new legal order but also assisted in the EC's resurgence during the 1980s. (Dinan 2000: p301)
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Lab †Risk Essay
Name and Number: CIS 333 LAB#6 Instructor Name: Professor West Lab Due Date: 19 May 2013 1. What is the difference between a risk analysis (RA) and a business impact analysis (BIA)? Risk analysis is often identifying the potential threats and the associated vulnerabilities to the organizations . Risk analysis doesn’t view the organization from the mission critical Business Process point of view. More over BIA perceives the organization from the impact that is going to occur for an organization if the critical business processes are interrupted or tampered What is the difference between a Disaster Recovery Plan and a Business Continuity Plan? Disaster recovery is the older of the 2 functions. DR planning is an essential part of business planning that – too often – gets neglected. Part of this has to do with the fact that making a Disaster Recovery plan requires a lot of time and attention from busy managers and executives from every functional department within the company. Business continuity is a newer term which was first popularized as a response to the Y2K bug. In order to stop your company from bleeding money in these situations, you need a plan that will allow the organization to continue generating revenue and providing services – although possibly with lower quality – on a temporary basis until the company has regained its bearings. 3. Typically, a business continuity plan is also a compilation or collection of other plans. What other plans might a BCP and all supporting documents include? Technical backup Plan: How can you recover smoothly from technical glitches. Communications Plan: What communication will facilitate this recovery. Why is it important to have detailed backup and recovery steps within your disaster recovery plan (DRP)? 5. What is the purpose of a risk analysis? What is the purpose of a business impact analysis? Why are these an important first step in defining a BCP and DRP? The purpose of a Business Impact and Risk Assessment is to determine the approximate business value of IT assets, to assess the impact the loss of those assets would have on business units, and to assign recovery priorities to the assets. 6. How does risk analysis (RA) relate to a business impact analysis for an organization? The purpose of a Business Impact and Risk Assessment is to determine the approximate business value of IT assets, to assess the impact the loss of those assets would have on business units, and to assign recovery priorities to the assets. 7. Given the list of identified mission critical business functions and processed, what kind of company would you say this organization is, and what do you think are its most important business processes and functions? It Company; Risk Analysis & Disaster Recovery Plan to get the business up and running on the web 8. Given the prioritization list provided for the organizations identified business functions and processes, write an assessment of how this prioritization will impact the need for IT systems, applications, and data access? Recovery strategies should be developed for Information technology (IT) systems, applications and data. This includes networks, servers, desktops, laptops, wireless devices, data and connectivity. Priorities for IT recovery should be consistent with the priorities for recovery of business functions and processes that were developed during the business impact analysis. IT resources required to support time-sensitive business functions and processes should also be identified. The recovery time for an IT resource should match the recovery time objective for the business function or process that depends on the IT resource. Information technology systems require hardware, software, data and connectivity. Without one component of the â€Å"system,†the system may not run. Therefore, recovery strategies should be developed to anticipate the loss of one or more of the following system components: * Computer room environment (secure computer room with climate control, conditioned and backup power supply, etc.) * Hardware (networks, servers, desktop and laptop computers, wireless devices and peripherals) * Connectivity to a service provider (fiber, cable, wireless, etc. ) * Software applications (electronic data interchange, electronic mail, enterprise resource management, office productivity, etc. ) * Data and restoration Some business applications cannot tolerate any downtime. They utilize dual data centers capable of handling all data processing needs, which run in parallel with data mirrored or synchronized between the two centers. This is a very expensive solution that only larger companies can afford. However, there are other solutions available for small to medium sized businesses with critical business applications and data to protect. 9. For the top identified business functions and processes, what recovery time objective (RTO) would you recommend for this organization and why? The RTO must match or be shorter than the MTD 10. Why is payroll for employees and Human Resources listed as a co-number 1 business priority? It is listed as a number one because it is highly what runs the office and something very important for these to parts to be correct.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Family planning Essay
Studies show that the youth are more vulnerable and at a greater risk without proper reproductive health services. Young pregnancies account for 30% of all daily births in the Philippines. According to the Commission on Population, 3 out of 4 young women die everyday because of maternal complications. Furthermore, A study by the National Epidemiology Center in 2005 shows young pregnancies have the highest rate of fetal deaths, especially by women under age 15. In December 2010, the Department of Health reports that there are 489 cases of young men and women infected with HIV. There are 6 new and unique detections of HIV everyday, 59% of which is in 20-29 years old bracket and 28% belong to the 15-24 years age range. In line with these problems, there is a need to make solutions. One of great solutions would be the implementation of the Reproductive Health bill, or the RH bill. One of the aims of the RH bill is to solve these problems by providing access medically safe, legal, afforda ble and quality natural and modern family planning methods. The RH bill also aims to guarantee universal access to information about birth control and maternal care. Thus, the RH Bill should be passed because it helps the Philippines to lean towards progress by offering women healthcare, providing sexual education to students, and helping the Filipinos to have responsible family planning. There are reasons why the reproductive health bill is not yet passed; however, majority of the people believe that the advantages brought by the implementation of the reproductive health bill will outweigh the cons that go with it. According to the survey hosted by Pulse Asia, 69% of the respondents from different regions are pro RH bill and they believe that the implementation of the bill would do more good than harm. The first plausible disadvantage is that the money that will be used in funding the bill would be subject to corruption from officials. An estimate of 14 billion pesos would be allotted to the bill if the bill would be implemented (Department of Health, 2012). The money involved can blind those corruptofficials; however, health and development should be prioritized. The bill provides healthcare services to women and the marginalized. The Women and marginalized are prioritized by providing for their needs such as legal, affordable and quality reproductive health care services. After the implementation of the bill, the State guarantees universal access to medically-safe, legal, affordable and quality reproductive health care services, methods, devices, supplies and relevant information thereon even as it prioritizes the needs of women and children, among other underprivileged sectors (SECTION 2, RH Bill, 2008). Furthermore, women seeking care for post-abortion complications shall be treated and counseled in a humane, non-judgmental and compassionate manner. The government shall ensure that women seeking care for post-abortion complications shall be treated and counseled in a humane, non-judgmental and compassionate manner. (SECTION 3, RH Bill, 2008). The health and development of the marginalized sector and the women should be clearly prioritized over the risk of the money being stolen by corrupted officials. S
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Learn About the Von Thunen Model
Learn About the Von Thunen Model The Von Thunen model of agricultural land use (also called location theory) was created by the farmer, landowner, and amateur economist Johann Heinrich Von Thunen (1783–1850) in 1826 in a book called The Isolated State, but it wasnt translated into English until 1966. Von Thunens model was created before industrialization and is based on the following limiting assumptions: The city is located centrally within an Isolated State that is self-sufficient and has no external influences.The Isolated State is surrounded by an unoccupied wilderness.The land of the State is completely flat and has no rivers or mountains to interrupt the terrain.The soil quality and climate are consistent throughout the State.Farmers in the Isolated State transport their own goods to market via oxcart, across the land, directly to the central city. Therefore, there are no roads.Farmers act to maximize profits. In an Isolated State with the foregoing statements being true, Von Thunen hypothesized that a pattern of rings around the city would develop based on land cost and transportation cost. The Four Rings Dairying and intensive farming occur in the ring closest to the city. Because vegetables, fruit, milk, and other dairy products must get to market quickly, they would be produced close to the city. (Remember, people didnt have refrigerated oxcarts!) The first ring of land is also more expensive, so the ag products would have to be highly valuable ones and the rate of return maximized. Timber and firewood would be produced for fuel and building materials in the second zone. Before industrialization (and coal power), wood was a very important fuel for heating and cooking. Wood is very heavy and difficult to transport, so it is located as close to the city as possible. The third zone consists of extensive field crops such as grains for bread. Because grains last longer than dairy products and are much lighter than fuel, reducing transport costs, they can be located farther from the city. Ranching is located in the final ring surrounding the central city. Animals can be raised far from the city because they are self-transporting. Animals can walk to the central city for sale or for butchering. Beyond the fourth ring lies the unoccupied wilderness, which is too great a distance from the central city for any type of agricultural product because the amount earned for the product doesnt justify the expenses of producing it after transportation to the city is factored in. What the Model Can Tell Us Even though the Von Thunen model was created in a time before factories, highways, and even railroads, it is still an important model in geography. The Von Thunen model is an excellent illustration of the balance between land cost and transportation costs. As one gets closer to a city, the price of land increases. The farmers of the Isolated State balance the cost of transportation, land, and profit and produce the most cost-effective product for market. Of course, in the real world, things dont happen as they would in a model.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Discovery of Chinese Silk and the Silk Road
The Discovery of Chinese Silk and the Silk Road It is well known that silk is discovered in China as one of the best materials for clothing- it has a look and feels of richness that no other materials can match. However, very few people know when or where or how it is discovered. Actually, it could date back to the 30th Century BC when Huang Di (Yellow Emperor) came into power. There are many legends about the discovery of silk; some of them are both romantic and mysterious. The Legend Legend has it that once there lived a father with his daughter, they had a magic horse, which could not only fly in the sky but also understand human language. One day, the father went out on business and did not come back for quite some time. The daughter made him a promise: If the horse could find her father, she would marry him. Finally, her father came back with the horse, but he was shocked at his daughters promise. Unwilling to let his daughter marry a horse, he killed the innocent horse. And then a miracle happened! The horses skin carried the girl flying away. They flew and flew, at last, they stopped on a tree, and the moment the girl touched the tree, she turned into a silkworm. Every day, she spits long and thin silks. The silks just represented her feeling of missing him. Finding Silk by Chance Another less romantic but more convincing explanation is that some ancient Chinese women found this wonderful silk by chance. When they were picking up fruits from the trees, they found a special kind of fruit, white but too hard to eat, so they boiled the fruit in hot water but they still could hardly eat it. At last, they lost their patience and began to beat them with big sticks. In this way, silks and silkworms were discovered. And the white hard fruit is a cocoon! The business of raising silkworms and unwinding cocoons is now known as silk culture or sericulture. It takes an average of 25-28 days for a silkworm, which is no bigger than an ant, to grow old enough to spin a cocoon. Then the women farmers will pick them up one by one to piles of straws, then the silkworm will attach itself to the straw, with its legs to the outside and begin to spin. The next step is unwinding the cocoons; it is done by reeling girls. The cocoons are heated to kill the pupae, this must be done at the right time, otherwise, the pupas are bound to turn into moths, and moths will make a hole in the cocoons, which will be useless for reeling. To unwind the cocoons, first put them in a basin filled with hot water, find the loose end of the cocoon, and then twist them, carry them to a small wheel, thus the cocoons will be unwound. At last, two workers measure them into a certain length, twist them, they are called raw silk, then they are dyed and woven into cloth. An Interesting Fact An interesting fact is that we can unwind about 1,000 meters long silk from one cocoon, while 111 cocoons are needed for a mans tie, and 630 cocoons are needed for a womans blouse. Chinese people developed new way by using silk to make clothes since the discovery of silk. This kind of clothes became popular soon. At that time, Chinas technology was developing fast. Emperor Wu Di of western Han Dynasty decided to develop trade with other countries. To build a road becomes a priority to trade silk. For nearly 60 years of war, the world famous ancient Silk Road was built up at cost of many losses of life and treasures. It started from Changan (now Xian), across Middle Asia, South Asia, and West Asia. Many countries of Asia and Europe were connected. Chinese Silk: a Global Love From then on, Chinese silk, along with many other Chinese inventions, were passed to Europe. Romans, especially women, were crazy for Chinese silk. Before that, Romans used to make clothes with a linen cloth, animal skin, and wool fabric. Now they all turned to silk. It was a symbol of wealth and high social status for them to wear silk clothes. One day, an Indian monk came to visit the Emperor. This monk had been living in China for several years and knew the method of raising silkworms. The Emperor promised a high profit of the monk, the monk hid several cocoons in his cane and took it to Rome. Then, the technology of raising silkworms spread out. Thousands of years have passed since China first discovered silkworms. Nowadays, silk, in some sense, is still some kind of luxury. Some countries are trying some new ways to make silk without silkworms. Hopefully, they can be successful. But whatever the result, nobody should forget that silk was, still is, and will always be a priceless treasure.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Commercial assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Commercial - Assignment Example Mistakes are most essential things that people should make to help them learn. This is because as it is often stated people learn through mistakes and for that reason, children should be allowed to make mistakes to help them to make them better and creative. The story of Jenny is also interesting because although she was disturbing teachers in school because she could not sit upright all she wanted was to dance (Robinson). However, the teachers did not see this potential or her creativity, but when the doctor realized it she made Jenny’s mum enroll her in a dance school. Education is becoming dynamic and people with degree are no longer recognized in the society as they used to and for that reason, the only thing that will help the younger generation is by becoming creative. A student enters in class to attend a lecture where they are all required to have personal computers. However, when James takes a sit she does not have any computer or any backpack to indicate that he might be carrying one. The teacher becomes furious first because he is late and second he is going to distract the other students as they share on PC. The lecturer points him out and asks him to leave. He asks the reason the teacher is asking him to leave and the teacher states that he will distract the calls if he shares the PC. He responds by removing a slim tablet from his pocket that has better features and that is more portable than the laptop. Everyone in the class is surprised and after class he show cases the features of the Tablet to the other student who in turn call the provider for a piece. Robinson, Ken. "Ken Robinson: How schools kill creativity | Talk Video |" TED: Ideas worth spreading. Rolex, Feb. 2006. Web. 19 Nov. 2014.
Friday, November 1, 2019
'Executive power in the UK is dominated by the Prime Minister' Essay
'Executive power in the UK is dominated by the Prime Minister'. Discuss - Essay Example According to Allen (2003), the monarch acts within the constraints of convention and precedent, and exercises prerogative powers on the advice of the prime minister. The prime minister holds a weekly audience with the monarch; the records of these audiences are not taken and the proceedings remain fully confidential (Stewart, 2010). The monarch may express their views, but as constitutional rulers, they must accept the decisions of the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister dominates the executive power in the United Kingdom; however, there are cases where the Prime Minister does not have full control of the executive. Appointments The Queen appoints the Prime Minister, who then appoints all other members of the government. This power to hire and fire extends to all ministers and cabinet members, giving the Prime Minister substantial control over the careers of members of parliament and peers. The Prime Minister can also create and establish new posts, departments, committees, policy uni ts and even merge the existing ones at will (Allen, 2003). This implies that the Prime Minister controls most of the governmental departments and commissions. Additionally, the Prime Minister has the powers to appoint and dismiss the government ministers. Since the beginning of the 19th century, the Prime Minister has been the leader of the largest party in the House of Commons. The power of the Prime Minster is based on the Royal Prerogative, where they exercise power on behalf of the monarch. Thus, the Prime Minister dominates the executive power of determining the members of parliament, cabinet, and ministers. As the head of intelligence and security services, the Prime Minister determines the composition of these agencies (Booth, 2006). The Prime Minister regulates their roles and functions and can deny permission if the security services want to carry out a particular task. The Prime Minister also appoints senior officers of the armed forces, and thus controls their functions. Other appointments carried out by the Prime Minister include top ecclesiastical, regius professorships, public sector, appointments to royal commissions and the Mastership of Trinity College (Allen, 2003). Giving the Prime Minister power to do all these appointments makes them to dominate the executive power. This is because the power to appoint is given together with the power to control. Head of the Executive The Prime Minister is the head of the executive. As the head of the executive, the Prime Minister is the chief policy maker because of the pre-eminence in making the government’s policy (Stewart, 2010). The Royal Prerogative gives the Prime Minister the power to make and break the composition of ministers and reshuffle the cabinet to meet the needs of government requirements. For example, Tony Blair decided to build the Millennium Dome when the cabinet stood against it (Stewart, 2010). Regardless of the fact that the announcement and the cabinet occurred simultaneously , the Prime Minister made the overall decision. Even though the prime minister can make such quick decisions, the cabinet can overrule their decisions, and they cannot impose policies through reluctant officials. Meetings must be conducted to make any ruling and the agreements from these meetings are bound to be followed to the latter. Conduct Parliamentary and Cabinet Business The Prime Minister
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